Engineering disease

Historical insights & thoughts about the world we live in - and the social conditioning exerted upon us by past and current propaganda.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by ICfreely »

One of the most effective techniques for improving one's overall health is to stop, take a deep breath, and smell the roses! :)
Your Breath of Life Part 1: Why Deep Breathing Is Important

“The main thing that activates your lymphatic system is ‘deep breathing!’ So the breath of life moves the ‘tree [lymphatic system] of life.'” ~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., Introduction to the Science of Lymphology & the Art of Lymphasizing, p. 27


In 1979, American lymphologist Dr. Jack W. Shields, M.D., from Santa Barbara, California conducted a study at the 7th International Congress of Lymphology in Florence, Italy, which demystified the main propulsion of lymph flow (at the time there was a raging debate going on concerning what activated the lymphatics): deep diaphragmatic breathing.

Jack Shields was the first person to ever photograph the lymphatic system (lymphography). They had a person get up on a treadmill and start walking and jogging. They were photographing inside the person’s chest right where the thoracic duct comes up toward the base of the neck. The thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic vessel in the body (as big around as a regular drinking straw); it begins as a series of tubes (lymphatic vessels) that increase in size as they travel from the feet and upward to the navel. The biggest tube (thoracic vessel) starts at the navel (belly button) and comes up the center of the chest between the lungs.

It was noted that walking didn’t produce any significant effects while exercise (jogging) only increased lymphatic flow slightly. They had the person get off the treadmill and then take a deep breath. At the peak of inhalation, the lungs put pressure on the thoracic duct which caused the thoracic duct to “shoot like a geyser.” As the story goes, Jack Shields jumped out of his chair and shouted, “There it goes, there it goes!” It was then conclusively proven and the debate among lymphologists was settled. Out of the one-hundred-and-one ways lymph circulation can be improved, deep breathing is the main force that activates and accelerates this system, and it does so by compressing the thoracic duct, creating a vacuum or suction effect. This effect takes the pressure off the top of the millions of one-way check valves that line the lymphatic vessels (these prevent lymph fluid from flowing backwards) and pulls the lymph fluid through the bloodstream.

Dr. West was later noted for stating that walking (without deep breathing) only improved lymph circulation “enough to keep you alive-sick, but alive!” (‘The Golden Seven Plus One’ p. 145)

“Deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the cleansing of the lymph system by creating a vacuum effect which pulls the lymph through the bloodstream. This increases the rate of toxic elimination by as much as 15 times the normal rate.” ~ Dr. Jack W. Shields, M.D., Lymph, lymph glands, and homeostasis. Lymphology, v25, n4, Dec. 1992, p. 147

Shallow breathing in contrast contributes to lymph stagnation and impeded elimination of toxic debris.

Volumes have been written on the benefits of deep breathing including its renowned ability to induce relaxation and calmness, stress reduction, lowering of blood pressure, and relief of pain. It supports greater energy production (hence many feel refreshed and energized after a session) throughout the body at the cell level and activates the lymphatic system; one could say these are the two main effects that lead to ALL the other [healing] benefits people associate with deep breathing. And of the one-hundred-and-one deep diaphragmatic breathing techniques and methods taught out there, the main point to always keep in mind is how the “breath of life” moves the “tree of life” at the peak of inhalation. Any breathing technique that makes you fully expand your lungs will work.

As with anything else that activates and accelerates the lymphatic system, proceed with caution. Transition is key. Some people may feel sick, nauseous, dizzy/lightheaded, vertigo and so forth after only a few deep inhales. If that is the case it goes to show that you need it badly, but must approach things slowly. Start with as many breaths as you can handle, then stop and take as long a break as you need before resuming. Before you know it, you can take 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100+ deep breaths without feeling any discomfort.

“[…] some of you may get woozy and light-headed from taking a few deep breaths. If this happens, do not be alarmed. All that means is that you need it badly.

As with the nutrition program, you must understand that the more you do it, the better you’ll feel and the better you feel, the more you’ll be able to do it. Why is this statement true? Because the lungs act as a ‘suction pump’ for the lymphatic system. Deep breathing will help remove the trapped proteins and turn your generators [sodium-potassium pumps] on.”
~ Dr. C. Samuel West, D.N., N.D., The Golden Seven Plus One, p. 25

Just like your body was made to MOVE (not just to “exercise for 20-30 minutes 3-7 times per week”), you’ve been given a set of lungs to BREATHE (not just practice a few deep breathing sessions per week).

The goal is to become conscious of deep breathing and to breathe deeply everywhere you go and as often as possible WITHOUT creating stress.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by brianv »

This technique is taught in Martial arts, Aikido most notably. but I've seen it also in Korean Hapkido. It's one of the foundations of the Ki Aikido style where a lot of emphasis is placed on breathing. Good posture is also taught for the same reasons. So get your Gi on and get down to that Dojo.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

And Qi Gong or "Chi Gung". Breathing is great! Meditation can also help us breathe well.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by ICfreely »

The high priests of the Church of Modern Medicine are blinded by many (false & irrational) beliefs. One of them is the fundamental tenet of human vestigiality.
Human vestigiality

In the context of human evolution, human vestigiality involves those traits (such as organs or behaviors) occurring in humans that have lost all or most of their original function through evolution. Although structures called vestigial often appear functionless, a vestigial structure may retain lesser functions or develop minor new ones. In some cases, structures once identified as vestigial simply had an unrecognized function.
Allopathic absurdity knows no bounds. If a structure's function is unknown it's automatically deemed to be functionless (and expendable).

Charles Darwin
listed a number of putative human vestigial features, which he termed rudimentary, in The Descent of Man (1890). These included the muscles of the ear, wisdom teeth, the appendix, the tail bone, body hair, and the semilunar fold in the corner of the eye. Darwin also commented on the sporadic nature of many vestigial features, particularly musculature. Making reference to the work of the anatomist William Turner, Darwin highlighted a number of sporadic muscles which he identified as vestigial remnants of the panniculus carnosus, particularly the sternalis muscle.[1][2]

In 1893, Robert Wiedersheim published The Structure of Man, a book on human anatomy and its relevance to man's evolutionary history. This book contained a list of 86 human organs that he considered vestigial, or as Wiedersheim himself explained: "Organs having become wholly or in part functionless, some appearing in the Embryo alone, others present during Life constantly or inconstantly. For the greater part Organs which may be rightly termed Vestigial."[3] His list of supposedly vestigial organs included many of the examples on this page as well as others then mistakenly believed to be purely vestigial, such as the pineal gland, the thymus gland, and the pituitary gland. Some of these organs that had lost their obvious, original functions later turned out to have retained functions that had gone unrecognized before the discovery of hormones or many of the functions and tissues of the immune system.[4][5] ... ty#History
Not surprisingly, Darwin & Wiedersheim's idiotic theories have had deleterious consequences. The following article ironically titled "Know Your Body" is a perfect example of how dangerously ignorant modern M.D.'s truly are.
Appendix - Known as a Vestigial Organ
Authored by Dr.Surya Rao Poodipeddi on 15 Mar 2014 - 17:49. ... gial-organ
Of all the organs in the human body 'Appendix' is the only organ, which has no functions, is unwanted and can easily be dispensed with. However, if infected, it gets angry and can be life threatening.

The Appendix is commonly referred to as a classic example of a vestigial organ. It is a small sac connected to the large intestine at the apex of the caecum below the entrance of the ileum. It is a slender tubular organ of the size of the little finger. It has its own artery for blood supply called the appendicular artery in the appendicular mesentery.

Earlier it was considered as a vestigial organ without any functions whatsoever. However, newer evidence suggests that it has a most likely function in the lymphatic system. It is one of the areas of the colon where lymphatic tissue found in the appendix is high.
Lymphatic shlymphatic. We don't need no stinkin' appendix.
Since the appendix can be readily sacrificed it must be removed on slightest suspicion of appendicitis to avoid life-threatening consequences if neglected. The golden rule is to remove the appendix if the patient is a victim of repeated episodes of appendicular type of pain. To err on the wrong side is better than inviting serious complications including loss of life.
Sure, why not?
Carcinoid of the Appendix:

Carcinoid tumors can occur anywhere in the Gastro-intestinal tract. In the intestines the tip of the appendix is the common site for carcinoid tumor to occur. There may be more than one of these small growths, which are solid and yellow-colored.

These are usually an incidental finding while performing an appendicectomy operation or as a secondary procedure for some other abdominal surgery. While carcinoid tumors in the GI tract are potentially malignant, the vast majority of appendiceal tumors pursue a benign course.

Just as the appendix itself is a myth appendicitis also turns out as a greater myth. There are cases when the appendix is removed and found absolutely normal after its removal. There are few cases when a normal appendix is removed just like that when the abdomen is opened for some other surgery to avoid any problems which the appendix might cause if let loose on its own! There are also cases when the diagnosis is missed, or the patient did not present with classical signs and symptoms of appendicitis or there is no time for surgery, and later autopsy reveals that the cause is acute appendicitis!

More importantly the appendix presents itself at various positions deviating from the usual normal position. If this happens diagnosis becomes more difficult and the patient may face serious consequences for no fault of any body.

The problems in diagnosing appendicitis are as complicated as the evolution of the appendix itself.
The problem is this clueless butcher doesn't know the first thing about healing people!

Neither do Duke University Medical Center's mental midgets.

Evolution Of The Human Appendix: A Biological 'Remnant' No More

Date: August 21, 2009

Source: Duke University Medical Center

Summary: The lowly appendix, long-regarded as a useless evolutionary artifact, won newfound respect two years ago when researchers proposed that it actually serves a critical function. The appendix, they said, is a safe haven where good bacteria could hang out until they were needed to repopulate the gut after a nasty case of diarrhea, for example. ... 175901.htm
Now, some of those same researchers are back, reporting on the first-ever study of the appendix through the ages. Writing in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Duke scientists and collaborators from the University of Arizona and Arizona State University conclude that Charles Darwin was wrong: The appendix is a whole lot more than an evolutionary remnant. Not only does it appear in nature much more frequently than previously acknowledged, but it has been around much longer than anyone had suspected.

"Maybe it's time to correct the textbooks," says William Parker, Ph.D., assistant professor of surgical sciences at Duke and the senior author of the study. "Many biology texts today still refer to the appendix as a 'vestigial organ.'"

Using a modern approach to evolutionary biology called cladistics, which utilizes genetic information in combination with a variety of other data to evaluate biological relationships that emerge over the ages, Parker and colleagues found that the appendix has evolved at least twice, once among Australian marsupials and another time among rats, lemmings and other rodents, selected primates and humans. "We also figure that the appendix has been around for at least 80 million years, much longer than we would estimate if Darwin's ideas about the appendix were correct."
Cladistics? :lol:
Darwin theorized that the appendix in humans and other primates was the evolutionary remains of a larger structure, called a cecum, which was used by now- extinct ancestors for digesting food. The latest study demonstrates two major problems with that idea. First, several living species, including certain lemurs, several rodents and a type of flying squirrel, still have an appendix attached to a large cecum which is used in digestion. Second, Parker says the appendix is actually quite widespread in nature. "For example, when species are divided into groups called 'families', we find that more than 70 percent of all primate and rodent groups contain species with an appendix." Darwin had thought that appendices appeared in only a small handful of animals.

"Darwin simply didn't have access to the information we have," explains Parker. "If Darwin had been aware of the species that have an appendix attached to a large cecum, and if he had known about the widespread nature of the appendix, he probably would not have thought of the appendix as a vestige of evolution."
And if grandma had balls she'd be grandpa!
He also was not aware that appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix, is not due to a faulty appendix, but rather due to cultural changes associated with industrialized society and improved sanitation. "Those changes left our immune systems with too little work and too much time their hands – a recipe for trouble," says Parker.
Appendicitis is due to cultural changes associated with industrialized society such as the toxic build-up of processed foods, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, etc.
That notion wasn't proposed until the early 1900's, and "we didn't really have a good understanding of that principle until the mid 1980's," Parker said. "Even more importantly, Darwin had no way of knowing that the function of the appendix could be rendered obsolete by cultural changes that included widespread use of sewer systems and clean drinking water."
Rendered obsolete? Give me a fa-king break!
Parker says now that we understand the normal function of the appendix, a critical question to ask is whether we can do anything to prevent appendicitis. He thinks the answer may lie in devising ways to challenge our immune systems today in much the same manner that they were challenged back in the Stone Age. "If modern medicine could figure out a way to do that, we would see far fewer cases of allergies, autoimmune disease, and appendicitis."

Colleagues who contributed to the study include lead author Heather Smith, of the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine; Rebecca Fisher, of Arizona State University; and Mary Lou Everett, Anitra Thomas and R. Randal Bollinger from the Department of Surgery at Duke.
"Modern" medicine is trapped in the "Stone Age." The One (Ein) Stone (Stein) Age that is. :P

If you still have faith in the Church of Modern Medicine, then good luck to you, dear reader.
Surgical removal of the tonsils and appendix associated with risk of early heart attack, study suggests

Date: June 1, 2011

Source: European Society of Cardiology

Summary: Surgical removal of the appendix and tonsils in young people associated with an increased risk of premature heart attack in a large population study performed in Sweden. ... 075128.htm
You'll need it!
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by CluedIn »

The latest on the T-cell immunotherapy option for cancer treatment: ... 8-17-26-26

FTA: The type of immunotherapy that 50-year-old Richard Grady received already has helped some people with blood cancers such as leukemia. But the way he was given it is new, and may allow its use not just for brain tumors but also other cancers that can spread, such as breast and lung.

I don't think these people would agree it works great - from a previous article: ( ... gtfxd.html)

A Juno Therapeutics Inc trial of its experimental cancer therapy, known as JCAR015, was put on hold by U.S. regulators after the deaths last week of two leukemia patients, the company said on Thursday. A third trial patient died in May, Juno Chief Executive Officer Hans Bishop said during a conference call. All three patients were in their 20s, and the deaths were linked to swelling in the brain, the company said.

JCAR015 is a chimeric antigen receptor T-Cell, or CAR-T, therapy, involving a complicated process of extracting immune system T cells from an individual patient, altering their DNA to sharpen their ability to spot and kill cancer cells, and infusing them back into the same patient. Seattle-based Juno said the deaths occurred after the chemotherapy agent fludarabine was added to the trial program. The company said it has proposed to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that the trial be continued using JCAR015 with just cyclophosphamide as a "pre-conditioning agent."

And this is where it has "advanced" to:

First, Grady had more surgery to remove three of his largest tumors. Then he got six weekly infusions of the cells through a tube into his brain, where the biggest one had been. No cancer recurred there, but the remaining tumors continued to grow, new ones appeared, and cancer spread to his spine. Doctors decided on a bold step: placing a second tube in his brain, into a cavity where spinal fluid is made, and putting the cells there. :ph34r:

"The idea was to have the flow of the spinal fluid carry the T cells to different locations," along the route the cancer had taken, Badie said. After three treatments, all tumors had shrunk dramatically. After the 10th treatment, "we saw all the tumors disappear," and Grady was able to cut back on other medicines and return to work, Badie said.

New tumors, though, have now emerged in different spots in his brain and spine, and he is getting radiation treatment. But his response to immunotherapy lasted more than seven months, and "for him to live more than a year and half" after starting it is amazing for a situation where survival often is measured in weeks, Badie said. :puke:

So essentially, GMO'd T-cells just shift the cancer to a new region and create more tumors!

It's always so ironic how they select the number of participants: At City of Hope, nine patients have been treated so far, but only three with infusions into the spinal fluid brain cavity. Two of the nine have not responded to treatment, Badie said.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by patrix »

CluedIn » December 29th, 2016, 3:50 pm wrote:The latest on the T-cell immunotherapy option for cancer treatment
I've been researching medicine extensively and you all should know that much of it is a hoax/scam. It's similar to the "conventional" conspiracy scene with shills and disinformation all over to keep researchers away from the real meat and potato.

When it comes to cancer I think Thomas Seyfried is credible

In a nutshell he's been a cancer researcher for +20 years and the questions the conventional "gene theory" regarding cancer and this in turn means that the therapies used today are completely wrong.

He promotes a low calorie ketogenic diet for cancer treatment, but has of course been denied any grants or permissions for human trials.

This is a youtube I think everyone should watch since it is literally a question of life and death
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by CluedIn »


Yes, I am aware of the hoax/scam related to cancer research and treatment. This thread is called "Engineering Disease" and we also include "Engineered Cures" for these diseases. I have made some other posts about this "new" treatment called immunothereapy, and this last one is just to show how it is moving forward with new and different delivery methods.

FYI - maybe read thru a thread a little before replying to the last post.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by HonestlyNow »

I see that you don't recognize (as most people do not recognize) that we are a frugivore species. Spend time at the YouTube channel robertmorsend for ahead-of-the-curve learning.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by patrix »

HonestlyNow » December 30th, 2016, 10:25 pm wrote:Patrix,
I see that you don't recognize (as most people do not recognize) that we are a frugivore species. Spend time at the YouTube channel robertmorsend for ahead-of-the-curve learning.
Or I have a better eye for science fakery and this cultural engineering than you have. I find it more than a bit ironic that so many conspiracy theorists that have figured out so much concerning 911 and the space hoax are unable to see this. Animal fat is an essential nutrient. It's what enabled our large brain.
I think this is a very compelling theory on our evolution, but you have most likely never heard of it because Rockefeller and the boys want us to think we are herbivores and keep things like this tucked away:

Edit: Oh, and I know almost all TED talks are propaganda but this is a rare exception.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by HonestlyNow »

patrix wrote:
HonestlyNow wrote: Patrix,
I see that you don't recognize (as most people do not recognize) that we are a frugivore species. Spend time at the YouTube channel robertmorsend for ahead-of-the-curve learning.
Or I have a better eye for science fakery and this cultural engineering than you have.
If you have an eye for fakery in this instance, the instance being the teachings from the robertmorsend channel, please show and/or tell me what is being faked.
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Unread post by HonestlyNow »

patrix » January 11th, 2017, 12:39 pm wrote: Something someone who had not had their serotonin levels impaired by buying into the meat/dairy/fat is bad psyop would have translated while resisting the urge to mark words? ;-)
The psychological operation being played regarding not eating proper for our species is coming from each of us upon ourselves by not being or becoming aware of how our lymphatic system works, and how fresh, raw, properly-grown and picked-ripe fruit, as well as botanicals (herbs), will give our body a chance to remove all encumbrances to health and vitality. The number of people is growing who are taking charge of their lives in this way.

Continue to play, if you wish, in the realm of indulging daily, and frequently throughout the day, with substances other than what the body was designed for, and don't complain when your allopathic treatment-based doctor can't "cure" you.
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Unread post by patrix »

HonestlyNow » January 12th, 2017, 1:53 pm wrote:
patrix » January 11th, 2017, 12:39 pm wrote: Something someone who had not had their serotonin levels impaired by buying into the meat/dairy/fat is bad psyop would have translated while resisting the urge to mark words? ;-)
The psychological operation being played regarding not eating proper for our species is coming from each of us upon ourselves by not being or becoming aware of how our lymphatic system works, and how fresh, raw, properly-grown and picked-ripe fruit, as well as botanicals (herbs), will give our body a chance to remove all encumbrances to health and vitality. The number of people is growing who are taking charge of their lives in this way.

Continue to play, if you wish, in the realm of indulging daily, and frequently throughout the day, with substances other than what the body was designed for, and don't complain when your allopathic treatment-based doctor can't "cure" you.
The thing with the meat/fat/dairy PsyOp is that it is carefully designed and has been going on for more than five decades both on an emotional and rational level.

As children we were subjected to Walt Disney and throughout our lives we have been spiritually connected to animals by the Nutwork. Psyence tells us repeatedly that animal sourced food is bad for us and for the environment.

The reasons to have us go vegetarian are many. They want us to bee cattle, not to have them. Easier to eventually totally control the food supply and thus us. But most importantly – It keeps people sick and stupid and shortens their life span.

And as always a good lie needs to have some truth in it to work. Raw food is healthy (for a while) because of what you don't eat – Processed vegetable oils, grains, excessive protein and sugar. It is comparable with fasting, which is also very healthy (for a while).

But if you don’t get good quality animal fat (eg. cream/butter/lard), you will eventually get into malnutrition just like when fasting, but it takes longer.

The reason is simple – We are evolutionary designed to thrive on (animal) fat. The Nutwork want us to think we are related with “humanoid” apes like the chimpanzee or gorilla. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only likeliness we have with them is upright walking. It is not that hard to figure out that we are much more similar in our anatomy to sea living mammals – We can hold our breath under water, which no other land living mammal can. We have “blubber” – a subcutaneous fat layer. And we have large brains as many sea living creatures because of access to omega 3 fat.

https://theaquaticape.files.wordpress.c ... ations.jpg

We have spent a long time of our evolution in or near the sea, eating sea food rich in fats. It is what enabled our large brain to develop. So if we go completely vegetarian our body will gradually shut down because of malnutrition. But the process takes decades with is exactly the way the Nutwork wants it. You need to boil the frogs slowly so they don’t get suspicious and jump out of the pot.

And now we see the result of decades of the animal fat scare and replacing healthy animal fats with unhealthy vegetable ones – A health catastrophe of obesity, diabetes, cancer, dementia, heart disease, arthritis and much more. Almost all so called western diseases has this as their main or contributing factor.
Last edited by patrix on Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:56 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by ICfreely »

patrix wrote:

Or I have a better eye for science fakery and this cultural engineering than you have.
Maybe, maybe not.
I find it more than a bit ironic that so many conspiracy theorists that have figured out so much concerning 911 and the space hoax are unable to see this.
I find it more than a bit ironic that someone with such a keen eye for cultural engineering would label CF contributors “conspiracy theorists.” Unless, of course, you were intentionally being sardonic.
Animal fat is an essential nutrient. It's what enabled our large brain.
Interesting. Do you plan on elaborating on that a bit more (w/sources) or should we just take your word for it?
I think this is a very compelling theory on our evolution…
I find it ironic that someone with such a keen eye for science fakery believes in the theory of evolution. But hey, you have the right to believe in any religion you please.
… but you have most likely never heard of it because Rockefeller and the boys want us to think we are herbivores and keep things like this tucked away:
They do? I thought Rockefeller and the boys want us to think we evolved from primates and have “vestigial organs” that we can readily do away with. If they want us to think we're herbivores, then why did they close down half the medical schools (the half that taught naturopathic, homeopathic, etc.) in America 100 years ago?

Edit: Oh, and I know almost all TED talks are propaganda but this is a rare exception.
Why, in your opinion, is this a rare exception?

I don't mean to be nitpicky but it's 9/11 not 911. :P
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by patrix »

Hi ICfreely

First I would like to say that a couple of months ago when I wrote this, I was a bit "emotionally unstable" and my postings here got me a well deserved ban. We all react differently when "waking up" or whatever we should call it. I'm also from Sweden and thus not natively proficient in english.

That said, I still think what I write holds and that the medical/nutrition conspiracy is perhaps the most important one because it affects us in a very direct and concrete way giving us diseases and malnutrition.

If you'd like to know more about my thinking around these subjects please check out my reddit at

As for why I think fat is essential and why Elaine Morgan and the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis is compelling it is because of my research and personal experiences. I'm a bit reluctant these days to give references and citations to prove points because they may just as well be the works of shills or "useful idiots". Read what I and others write. From that try to set up a meaningful hypothesis that challenges your current stance. If you fail to refute it through extensive research and/or experiments, you've made progress.

Cheers /Patrik
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Re: Engineering 'disease'

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

patrix, thank you for your heartfelt follow up. I think everyone should give your thoughts a fair reading and due consideration. In my research, I have also found that good fats, especially when separated from the protein (as is the case with ghee rather than conventional butter), can be enormously beneficial/sustaining when used properly in conjunction with other things like proteins, carbs, etc. I would not presume to recommend that vegans switch to non-vegan diets until they determine for themselves what is best, since I think everyone can understand their own body and their own needs and their own moral decisions about their body and its needs, and should. I only offer it as part of the large puzzle that is the collective human race and I think all this science (new and old) should be taken into consideration to help us determine our diets, for sure.
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