'We Never Went to the Moon' by Bill Kaysing

If NASA faked the moon landings, does the agency have any credibility at all? Was the Space Shuttle program also a hoax? Is the International Space Station another one? Do not dismiss these hypotheses offhand. Check out our wider NASA research and make up your own mind about it all.
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'We Never Went to the Moon' by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

I took Simon's advice and ordered a copy of Bill Kaysing's book We Never Went to the Moon. I find it an incredible, refreshing and revealing picture of the rambunctious behavior of top NASA employees during the wheeling 1960's. Even with the poor quality of the pictures, the evidence more or less holds up. I will sensitively replace the culpable NASA images that have modern equivalents for the sake of both:

1. comparing old versions to "updated" (modified) versions;


2. seeing how even the modern versions uphold Kaysing's theory that the moon missions have always been faked.

So here we are, decades later, and Bill Kaysing is still not a household name. Kaysing himself predicted why that might be the case, since they have had a suppression effort on his work since he first quit an aerospace company involved in the NASA cover-up he wanted no more to do with. I want to make a note about why I am going to scan and update his entire book into our site, with apologies to his legacy should he have been an actual good person with real knowledge of the scam. I don't want to rob his family of funds (and you can certainly find used and new copies of his books in a variety of places) but this knowledge is important and is not some abstract religious tract. It is about a scam that continues to wobble in and out of the public consciousness on a daily basis. It is about the methods and attitudes of those we lend our power. It offers hope to those seeking an authentic view of history. As such, it is also a commercial failure, and always will be as long as our system exists in its present form.

If you support Bill Kaysing and you wish to thank him dispense with your awful debt-based money rewards and just live better, for yourself and for the future of humanity. http://billkaysing.com/credits.php

Without further ado, here begins his book:



Here is the window cover from the Italian edition (the edition from which I retrieved some newer pics.)


front_A.jpg (154.54 KiB) Viewed 41232 times

and OPEN to the gag:
front_B.jpg (187.22 KiB) Viewed 41232 times
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »



Bill Kaysing & Randy Reid

Health Research
P.O. Box 850
Pomeroy, WA 99347

Other writings by Bill Kaysing:

* The Complete Illustrated First Time Farmer's Guide
* How To Live In The New America
* Great Hot Springs Of The West
* The Robin Hood Handbook
* Intelligent Motorcycling
* How You Can Stop Smoking And Enjoy It
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »


It has been estimated that about 30 per cent of the adult
population of the United States does not believe that this
country has landed astronauts on the moon. That's quite a
percentage of boosters for this book before it is even
published. Perhaps after it has been circulated there will
be even more. And eventually, if Bill's theory is correct,
100 per cent of the entire world will know about one of the
biggest hoaxes in the world's history.

While the moon swindle is gigantic, it actually takes a
lesser place to such monstrous hoaxes as...

The Great 200 Billion Dollar Food Swindle!

The Giant 300 Billion Dollar Tax Swindle!

plus swindles perpetrated by the U.S. Government in the areas
of defense spending, drugs, medicine, price rigging, social
security and on and on, ad infinitum.

So read on... enjoy and be illuminated. As Cervantes said:
"Patience, and shuffle the cards."
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Our Cast of Characters...

AEC Atomic Energy Commission
AF Air Force
ASP Apollo Simulation Project
CFR Council on Foreign Relations
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
LEM Lunar Excursion Module
NAA North American Aviation Corp.
NASA North American Space Administration
NSA National Security Act
NSC National Security Council
OSS Office of Strategic Services
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Unread post by hoi.polloi »


"Apparently a substantial number of Americans do not believe that their government landed men on the
moon", says David Wise in "The Politics of Lying", 1973. On June 14, 1970, the Knight newspapers pub-
lished an astonishing story based on interviews with 1,721 persons in six cities. The people interviewed
were asked whether they really believed that U.S. astronauts had been to the moon and back.

The article emphasized that no attempt had been made to reach a cross section of the population. Never-
theless, the interviews did indicate that a substantial number of Americans do not believe the single most
publicized action ever taken by their government in peacetime.

When the skeptics were asked why such an enormous hoax would be perpetrated, they generally replied
either that the government had done it to fool the Russians and Chinese, or that it had been done to justify
the great cost of the space program. A few thought the government had a bread-and-circuses motive to make
the people forget their troubles.

Government deception, supported by a pervasive system of official secrecy and an enormous public
relations machine, has reaped a harvest of massive public distrust.

Is the photo at right really
the surface of the moon or
is it an elaborate model?

Would you bet your life on
your answer?

PS: NASA says it's the moon.


This appears to be the image Kaysing selected as suspicious. Found on NASA site here: http://www.apolloarchive.com/apollo_gallery.html (under Apollo 10 missions, image AS10-34-5173)


Since this image was allegedly part of the Apollo 10 mission, it does point out another absurdity in NASA's official fairy-tale: Apollo 11 was just one of several flawless missions traveling all the way to the moon and back before we stopped going completely. Gives one pause for thought, no? -hp
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »


During the summer of 1969, I was living in a small house on the beach in Santa Barbara, California. A fanfare of newspaper stories heralded the launch of the astronauts to the moon. Soon, I knew, TV screens would flicker with barely discernible pictures of moon walkers.

But despite a seven year stint at Rocketdyne, the firm that built the main propulsion units for Apollo, I could not work up the least bit of interest in the entire astrophysical circus ... not even to the extent of reading an article or watching the most exciting moments on the boob tube. Why, I wondered.

Why, of all people, shouldn't I be captivated with the prospect of seeing the fruition of my work and the labors of thousands of others who had contributed to the Apollo voyage programs. Why indeed?

I decided I did not believe that Armstrong, Collins or Aldrin or anyone else was going to the moon. And consequently, I could not generate the least enthusiasm for watching a phony performance.

From whence did this odd idea come, I wondered. I had not really given the Apollo program much thought in the years since leaving Rocketdyne. I had followed it in a cursory fashion, becoming aware of it only through the more startling developments: the fire on Pad 34, for example.

So it is possible that I had simply lost interest in astronautics despite the prospect of a moon landing. But I didn't think so; there was more to it than mere diminishment of interest. Somehow I seemed to have perceived that the Apollo project has become a gigantic hoax and that nobody was leaving earth for the moon, certainly not in July of 1969.

Call it a hunch, an intuition; information from some little understood and mysterious channel of communication . . . a metaphysical message. While tenuous and ephemeral at its source, it was strong and vivid in its form. In short, a true conviction.

I watched none of the moon "landings" nor did I pay much attention to print media presentations.

Since summer of 1969, the feeling and belief that a man's journey to the moon is still in his future became stronger. I paid even less attention to the follow-on "flights" of Apollo and noticed that many others were equally neglectful.

As the years passed, I found myself comparing the Apollo flights to many other incidents in American life. Watergate was an outstanding example and a striking point of comparison. Here was a case of leaders presenting one face to the public while another was completely hidden; a Machiavellian duplicity that has shocked many people and shattered their complacency.

The energy 'crisis' was another Apollo simulation. Here, an entire industry created an artificial shortage to ram the price increases down the throats of resisting but still gullible consumers.

But, as Lincoln so wisely said, you cannot fool all the people all the time. Thus, in many places, the facade of the corporate state began to crack. However, instead of apologies and excuses, a vicious arrogance appeared (the attitudes of Haldeman and Ehrlichman reflect this). Even in public relations-type advertising, at attitude of "take it or leave it" emerged from the formerly velvet-glove-over-the-mailed-fist corporations.

Now was the time to ask some questions of NASA regarding their Apollo program . . . questions that I found continually badgering my mind. Questions like, why didn't the astronauts make some visible signal from the moon? It would have been relatively easy to touch off some hypergolic chemicals, beam a laser to a mirror on earth, create a pattern with lightweight black dust or provide some other means of definitely proving that they were really there. Relying on an easily simulated picture on TV was the least believable means of "proof".

Why did the Dutch papers, circa 1969, question the authenticity of the moon landing? And more importantly, why did the American press ignore the otherwise interesting sidelight?

Why is it that NASA's Apollo records are not classified, but are also not available to the general public? In a letter to me from the present head of technical publications of Rocketdyne, there is this comment: "Apollo material not classified but unavailable to the public . . ."

Why did so many astronauts end up as executives of large corporations? Was this their real reward for the moon 'trip'?

Why did some astronauts die in accidents, others suffer brain damage and still others have nervous breakdowns? Was this rate of attrition higher than should be expected for this type of carefully selected and trained individual? Did it relate to the high incidence of departure of witnesses to the Kennedy murder?

What has happened to the Baron Report? -- a 500 page compilation of errors, instances of mismanagement and malfeasance, written by Thomas Baron prior to the death of the three astronauts on Pad 34 in 1967. And was Baron's death a few months later at a railroad crossing really an accident?

Why did the relatives of astronauts so often refer to the unreality of events? Was it because the events really were unreal?

Why was the fact that the astronauts training in Las Vegas area was not publicized? Every other aspect of their lives was examined in close detail. Was it because a part of the Nevada desert (specifically, the Mercury test site for AEC use) was being groomed as a moon "set"?

Why were the first astronauts held in quarantine so long after their 'trip' when most scientists agree that the moon is sterile and there was virtually no chance of disease transmission? Was it because the astronauts needed a period of reconditioning after the spurious trip? Was it because they simply could not bear to face hordes of cheering people so soon after playing roles in a show on earth?

Why was Apollo 6, a total fiasco, followed by six perfect moon missions which in turn were followed by the manned orbiting lab debacles? Doesn't this cause a credibility gap among both statisticians and laymen?

Why was there a rigid and unbending requirement that all data for public release be cleared through the public relations office of NASA?

Why were all the transmissions to be public via TV and radio, media of communication easily faked? Why was there nothing to see other than the launch and some fuzzy pictures allegedly coming from the moon?

Is there any real assurance that the astronauts were actually aboard the Apollo vehicle? Also, is there any proof that it really flew with a full load of fuel? Or did it make it off the pad because it was lightly and safely loaded with engines running at reduced power?

Eight astronauts died in non-space accidents: were they all accidents?

[For the Italian edition, the introduction includes these amusing captioned illustrations. Translations are forthcoming, with Simon's help. -HP]
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Why did Wherner Von Braun leave NASA to become a Fairchild executive? His whole life until then was devoted to space travel; in fact, he was obsessed. Did he finally realize the folly of trying to reach the moon with equipment built by the lowest bidder and the firms with the most skilled lobbyists?

What did Pat Collins mean by her remark on July 20th, 1969, 4:05 p.m. Houston time, when she declared, "It's about as real as anything about this whole thing is...", when she was asked if a simulation docking (as seen on TV) was real[?]

Why were the moon rocks rushed to Switzerland right after they landed? What proof do we have that they are actually rocks from the moon?

Why did the landing of all Apollo return capsules take place out of sight of the public -- and even of the pickup carrier crews?

Why was there never a mention of gold, silver, diamonds or other precious metals on the moon? Wasn't this a viable consideration? Why was this fact never [discussed] in the press or by the astronauts?

Why was the fact that the moon mission was really a military project concealed from the public? Many military [fiascoes] are hidden from the [public] to avoid loss of prestige.

Many other questions similar to the above have never been satisfactorily answered by either NASA, the press or the scientists involved.

We invite an answer to these questions now. In fact, the entire book is an invitation to NASA or other groups or concerned individuals to review the concept presented and refute it with some indisputable evidence that we have, indeed, landed on the moon -- that we have, indeed, made good use of the 30 billion dollars that allegedly went to fund Apollo.

Photos, ticker tape parades, a bag of rocks and other superficial items do not provide adequate answers to the questions posed above, or to those presented in the following chapters.


"Maybe Bill Kaysing is crazy. But his version of the moon program
ought to be read and studied carefully. Because [if] it's true, it
explains a lot of hitherto unexplainable mysteries and coverups.
If Kaysing is right, we've all been fuckered again!"

- - Paul Jacobs (America's leading investigative journalist. He has exposed government deception for two decades.)
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Apologies about the picture quality - undoubtedly, the muddy grayscale copy (which looks like it was done on a copy machine) is not a version Kaysing would approve of, which is why I think it may be a 'bootleg' copy of the manuscript. I'll locate some modern versions of these images, if they even exist. Also, I have added some scans of Simon's much nicer Italian edition, which is a fully illustrated/published version. -HP
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"Nothing appeared to be going right. Rockets blew up in tests, there were troubles with
the Apollo I spacecraft. Schedules slipped badly. Some people feel that the project
(Apollo) is falling apart at the seams."
Howard Benedict, Associated Press


The Chinese discovered rockets around 700 A.D. They used them for weapons and for celebrations. Early rockets such as the Chinese used, and later those used by the English for warfare, were solid propellant types. Not until the 20th Century was the possibility of using more efficient but more complex liquid propellant systems.

Robert Goddard, a lone-wolf American experimenter, pursued the science of liquid propelled rockets in the 1920's and early 1930's. He achieved most of the initial successes in this field. His efforts did not escape the attention of the war-oriented Germans. All through the 30's, Von Braun and other German scientists diligently studied and experimented with liquid propelled rockets. Their efforts resulted in the deadly but inconclusive V-2. Thousands of these highly sophisticated (at that time) rockets were launched, and landed with often devastating results in England.

The Germans with their pre-eminence in rockets notwithstanding, were defeated by the Russians and Americans, who obtained as much material and as many men as they could carry away from German test and development sites.

This formed the nucleus of all subsequent rocket development activity in both countries. The major emphasis was on liquid propellants, despite its [temperamental] nature. One of the most severe problems, particularly for U.S. rockets, was combustion instability.

This phenomenon is a result of combustion as high flow rates. When hundreds of pounds of propellant are burned in a short time, strange effects take place. Acoustic transients present in this type of "continuous explosion" can trigger resonant conditions.

In other words, the high noise levels (as much as 150 [dB]) cause anomalies in propellant burning. Standing waves possessing high kinetic content flash back and forth within the chamber. In microseconds, these waves can concentrate high temperatures at certain points within the rocket chamber, burning the thin walls through and causing total engine failure.

[For the Italian edition, Chapter 1 includes this illustration. Translations are forthcoming, with Simon's help. -HP]

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As a witness to many rocket engine tests at the Santa Susana lab, I saw many failures, blowups and premature engine cutoffs due to incipient disaster. Even after relatively modest Atlas engine cluster was accepted by the Air Force for use in the Atlas ICBM, failures occurred with repeated regularity.

For example, on April 20, 1964, the DOD [Department of Defense] announced that the Air Force had 13 consecutive failures with Atlas D, E and F rockets in the summer and fall of 1963. This was at a time when the F-1, a much larger engine, was under intense development. My point is this: if the Atlas couldn't achieve reliability after almost a decade of development, how could a far larger and more powerful rocket engine be successful? Further, the Atlas was a military missile engine, while the F-1 was intended to transport human beings.

As late as the spring of 1963, special contracts were awarded to Rocketdyne to try to determine the cause of failures, most of them believed to be based on combustion instability. Subsequently, little information ever reached the public concerning this problem. Was the problem solved? Was it partially solved? Answers to these questions will not be forthcoming until NASA makes these data available to the public.

[For the Italian edition, Chapter 1 includes this illustration. Translations are forthcoming, with Simon's help. -HP]

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"I doubt if I could have flown my (Mercury and Gemini) missions if they had encountered as many foul-ups as the Apollo craft." --Walter Shirra, February, 1966


Few people, other than employees, have ever visited the Propulsion Field Laboratory hidden in the Simi Hills above the San Fernando Valley.
I could not find the exact picture Kaysing has here, but I found some others that may be of interest from various sites. -HP

http://home.earthlink.net/~ridevirago/B ... age011.jpg
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9 ... G-aGlDKe-g
http://a.scpr.org/i/32342d9a6012231dfb1 ... 77-six.jpg

I wonder how many sims live in Simi? -HP

In this view of a set of three rocket engine test stands, we see the San Fernando Valley just beyond the hill crests. The majority of the population were unaware of exactly what was taking place at the Field Laboratory.

This test stand, VTS 2 at the Rocketdyne Propulsion Field Laboratory, was destroyed by a tremendous explosion in the 1950s. None of this information ever reached the American public. Disasters have always been squelched by NASA when possible.

Again, not the exact image, but plenty of related imagery from Rocketdyne itself, and as Kaysing points out, no pictures of any of the multiple violent disasters that struck so many projects there. - HP


http://www.rocketdynearchives.com/image ... ratory.jpg

A test of hypergolic propellants: nitrogen tetroxide and hydrazine (UDMH) at the Field Lab. Such tests were dangerous in the extreme due to the toxicity of the propellants in their burned or unburned state. The residents of the nearby San Fernando Valley were not told of the nature or danger of this type of testing -- another example of the cavalier attitude of large corporations.

A formerly secret picture of an Atlas rocket engine on a static test stand.

The famous Atlas engine operating at full power during a static (held down) test at the Rocketdyne Field Laboratory. Again, it is important to note that all personnel are safe within sturdy blockhouses or behind barriers far distant when this engine is functioning. There are good reasons for this safety procedure, all based on experience. Note especially the rocket blast at lower right. It has such tremendous power, it could blow a Cadillac into the next county!

This intercontinental ballistic missile was the Navaho, unknown to most Americans but developed during the mid-fifties by Rocketdyne and other DOD contractors. Based on a German concept, it was [canceled] in favor of the faster Atlas in 1957.
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

"Most of our elected leaders felt that they had the right to manipulate the American public." -- L. H. Gelb

Just as technical knowledge is necessary to fully comprehend the method by which the Apollo project was simulated, it is imperative that the reader have basic understanding of U.S. proficiency in lies, swindles, and hoaxes as practiced in their secret operations.

Thus, examples of each are presented in the following chapter



To successfully execute such a large simulation project as Apollo, it was necessary to draw upon many decades of secret operations experience. In this field the U.S. was and still is pre-eminent.

Probably the most famous and certainly the first major post-WWII secret operation to be exposed was the revelation that the U.S. government was active in high altitude spying. Until this story broke during the reign of the Golf King, Ike Eisenhower, most Americans believed that the U.S. was almost lily white in espionage. [Lily white must be an archaic phrase for innocent? -HP]

While we all recognized that spying went on, it was thought to be parallel in nature to the immaculate conception: fun, but not too much fun, and certainly done with a high level of sanitation.

Thus, the shock effect was great, and greater still, because of the personality of the leader who had to swallow his own lies. All of us recall the great war hero and patriarch, Eisenhower. For him to tell a fib was as startling as learning that the Pope had something going with a Vatican file clerk.

The facts are these . . .

A U-2, high altitude photographic reconnaisance plane with CIA pilot Gary Powers at the controls, was shot down by a Russian SAM missile on May 1, 1960. The position was about 1200 miles inside the Russian border. Eisenhower had personally approved of the development of the plane and flights had been taking place for about four years.

On May 5, Kruschev announced that an American plane had been shot down inside Soviet territory. Washington countered with announcements of their own:

Lie number 1: A NASA weather plane, on a flight inside Turkey, had been missing since May 1 after the pilot reported oxygen trouble; perhaps it had drifted a bit . . .

Lie number 2: The pilot was identified as F.G. Powers, a civilian employed by Lockheed Aircraft

Lie number 3: State Department spokesman Lincoln White declared: "Now, our assumption is the man blacked out. There was absolutely NO deliberate attempt to violate Soviet air space. There never has been."

The State Department admitted that the flight was for spy purposes but ... Lie number 4: It had not been authorized by Washington. This was another big whopper, since Eisenhower had not only initiated the entire program, he approved the flight schedules!

Finally, on May 9, Eisenhower, through the State Department, reversed himself, admitted the spy flights, and took responsibility. Later, after he left office, he said: "The lie we told about the U-2 was my greatest regret. I didn't realize how high a price we were going to have to pay for that lie. And if I had to do it over again, we would have kept our mouths shut."

This is a key statement; not that the lie was dishonest, just that they would have said nothing. That would make it all right?

But on to other secrets shielded by lies that occurred during the Eisenhower administration . . .

Guatemala: In 1954, the CIA financed and organized a coup against the leftist regime of President Guzman. As a force of CIA P47s bombed Guatemala City, Henry Cabot Lodge, Eisenhower's ambassador to the UN, denied any U.S. involvement. Secretary of State [Allan] Dulles also announced that the situation is "being cured by the Guatemalans themselves." Since the entire operation was being conducted under the supervision of tough, merciless Frank G. Wisner (the CIA's director of secret operations) neither Lodge nor Dulles nor, for that matter, anyone in the U.S. Government who knew the facts, was being truthful.

Indonesia: The CIA recruited pilots to fly bombers from Manilla to a [rebel] airstrip in the Celebes and to fly the planes in combat against Sukarno's forces. In March, 1958, Dulles testified before Congress that "we are not intervening in the affairs of this country." Eisenhower told a press conference subsequently that "our policy is one of careful neutrality and proper deportment all the way through so as not to be taking sides where it is none of our business."

The following month, the Indonesians shot down and captured one of the CIA pilots, Allen Lawrence Pope.

Bay of Pigs, Cuba: The most familiar of all CIA [fiascoes], this abortive attempt to de-Castro Cuba cost the lives of quite a few participants and severely embarassed a new president. Planned, funded and executed by the CIA, it did nothing so well as to expose the clandestine organization for the inept group that it was at that time. Did things improve? To some extent, maybe. They fooled most of the people when they really embarassed Kennedy on November 22, 1963.


Caption: Can secrets be kept for long periods of time? This article supports this view.
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Apologies again about the picture quality from my bootlegged edition. I assure you my book does not fare much better than these scans of the book. However, Simon's Italian edition includes a number of interesting illustrations, which I have newly added to the end of this post. -HP

[The Italian edition includes these captioned illustrations. Translations are forthcoming, with Simon's help. -HP]

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Recognizing that ASP officials would cover their tracks as effectively as the CIA agents who concealed the murderers of President Kennedy [It's my opinion that we might presume Kaysing was using available rhetoric to explain the nature of the CIA's secrecy and had not fully investigated the problems with the Kennedy assassination footage. -HP], the author made an unusual effort to find clues that would indicate that a simulation had, in fact, taken place. Here is a brief review, in photographic form, of part of that search.

Look closely at both of these purported moon landing shots. Despite the fact that the lunar landing engine was reported to have been operating beyond touchdown, there is NO evidence of the surface being disturbed beneath the engine nozzle!

Near rim of Cone Crater, the Apollo 14 astronauts encountered rocks nearly as big as a meter (3 feet) in diameter. [(NASA Caption)]

This is one of many NASA pictures that show signs of composition. The upper part is quite different from the lower. Again, no stars!

If you have seen the strikingly beautiful moon model in GoldenGate Park [San Francisco], you know how easy it would have been to create an earth model too.

Where are the STARS?

Possibly the most damning shot of all. Here is a clear view of the LEM with no trace whatsoever of any disruption of the surface by the LEM landing engine. Anyone who has ever witnessed any kind of rocket firing knows that the blast from the exit nozzle will devastate the area nearby. And, again, no stars [or] planets visible in the lunar sky.

There are several [anomalies] in this fake photo:
A. No dust on face shield or in the environment although there would have been if they had truly landed on the moon.

B. Light is ostensibly from the sun behind Aldrin, and yet his face plate is illuminated. If so, where is the source of illumination? It would have shown in face plate from the position of the cameraman Armstrong whether flash or flood light.

C. Where are the stars in the lunar sky?

D. Exposure to the sun on the moon produces the temperature of molten lead plus. In the shadow, temperatures go to virtually absolute zero. No indication of this extreme contrast is shown in this picture.

One of the most famous fake photos. If it were real there would be stars visible in the jet-black sky!

What is the source of light on the faceplate? This should be in deep shadow, as sun is behind the figure. Also, if the source of light is artificial, it should be reflected from the faceplate.

A test farm for radiation studies? Not likely. More probably a cover for the moon set. Note the striking similarity between the background in this view and the NASA shot purporting to be from the moon [lower image.]

Note that these practice shots of the astronauts engaged in lunar surface horesplay could have easily been converted to actual location shots by simply finishing the "set".


The film, "2001, A Space Odyssey", is considered to be the ne plus ultra of all science fiction movies concerned with space. It was begun in the summer of 1965 at about the time when those who really knew what was happening to the Apollo project began to make their final decisions.

Filming if "2001" continued for two and a half years, and its budget was increased from six million dollars to almost 10 1/2 million!

A total of 205 special effects shots, encompassing a period of one and a half years, was an ingenious cover utilized by ASP. It is possible that even more than $4.5 million was given to the Kubrick coalition to finance the most perfect space sequences ever shown.

While "2001" was being filmed, Kubrick and his crew consulted with nearly 70 industrial and aerospace corporations, universities, observatories, weather bureaus, laboratories and other institutions to ensure that the film would be technically accurate. Had this been done for ASP without the cover of "2001", much suspicion would have been directed towards those making the inquiries.

Another aspect of the release of "2001" in 1968 is this: The film prepared the American people for filmed versions of space exploration. It would be a simple transition from a huge manned orbiting lab gyrating to strains of the "Blue Danube" (as in "2001"), to the relatively prosaic view of two men taking a stroll on the 'moon'.


Re-entry simulation was not difficult... no one could see the capsule until the parachutes opened.
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »



"I believe that we are in a race and I have said many times, Mr. Webb . . . tell me how
much money you need and this Committee will authorize all you need."
-- James Fulton, Congressman

To realize how important it was to ensure a successful "man on the moon" project, we must first examine the roots of the desire and need for this all-important flight.

Long before space became a factor in U.S.-Russia competition, other aspects of comparison were used by propagandists. For instance, comparisons were made to determine:

1. Amount of time spent by laborers to earn a specific amount of food.
2. Ownership of automobiles, houses and other big-tag items.
3. Female beauty: Russian women were usually shown wearing shawls and long skirts made of heavy burlap.

Thus, when competition is science, specifically, [when] space flight became a factor in the battle for men's minds, no limits were imposed.

In other words, the U.S. became like a frantic gambler who sees ever-increasing losses threatening total disaster. Finally, he mortgages his house and children to make one last colossal bet. He MUST win or all is gone.

NOTE: It has been conjectured that the Soviets intended that a totally spurious race take place, knowing that the financial strains would contribute to a weakening of the U.S. financially and as a world power. However, this is not in keeping with the wheels-within-wheels concept that there is no real competition between the U.S. and Russia (or any other country, for that matter), since the ultimate manipulators are in league.

[Personal note: seeing in retrospect what the USA is capable of, and knowing a bit about what Russia was undergoing at that time, I find it equally likely the USA engaged the Russians in a spurious race to attempt to waste their energy and finances, and to boast, or that each was attempting the same of the other. However, at times, it does seem even more true when Kaysing says 'the ultimate manipulators are in league' and it's worth considering the fact that the leaders of both countries seemed awfully willing to expend the energy of its citizenry so freely. -HP]


Little was done prior to WWII in the U.S. as far as space travel was concerned. Only Goddard and his lone-wolf experiments advanced the technology. As usual, the military was a decade or two late in recognizing an advanced weapon potential.

However, with the search for new death-dealing devices during WWII, rockets came under intensive research and development. Thus, when the German scientists were brought to this country in 1946, they were joined with the nucleus of a group that was to later create an entirely new scientific venture.

[For the Italian edition, the first mention of Goddard on page 24 includes this captioned illustration. Translations are forthcoming, with Simon's help. -HP]
004.jpg (69.67 KiB) Viewed 41234 times

Early U.S. efforts employed the tested engines of the V-2 missile. The A-4 engine, as it was called, was the building block of such military missiles as Redstone and Thor. Finally, newer designs evolved into Atlas and Titan. The hardware for these military rockets became the platform on which the subsequent rocket systems were based. Unfortunately, as we have pointed out elsewhere, the choice was always in the liquid propellant engine area.

There is no question that the Russians have employed their efforts in rocketry as a propaganda tool. As Logsdon points out: "The Soviets have used technology as an instrument of propaganda and power politics as illustrated by their great and successful efforts and careful political timing in space exploration. They have sought constantly to present spectacular accomplishments in space as an index of national strength.["]

[T]he flight of Sputnik in 1957 was certainly an outstanding manifestation of this concept. It acted as a vigorous prod to U.S. peace efforts. As Lyndon Johnson said, in true shit-kick fashion: "I guess for the first time I started to realize that this country of mine might not be ahead of everything."

Soon, the laissez-faire doctrine of Eisenhower was reversed, by Johnson as Senate minority leader, and later by President Kennedy. NASA, which had been given the assignment for manned flight in space, was energized with personnel and money. The basis for the moon flight decision was now in existence.

Personal note: Kaysing seems to suggest that fear and instincts are the most effective organizers and keepers of secrets. So accusations of "conspiracy" may as well be directed to a combination of human behavior and those who know how to exploit it. Our natural proclivities seem to do most of the imprisonment. - HP
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »





"If you can't make it, fake it."
-- Old aerospace saying

Shortly after my assignment to the Rocketdyne Propulsion Field Laboratory in 1956, I made a most fascinating discovery: the lunchless picnic. It seems that there were many fine trysting places on the 1,880 rugged, rock-strewn acres that comprised the lab. These did not escape the attention of the young men and women who were free to roam this Western landscape, both off and on assignment.

For example, photo crews often took jeeps to high promontories to photograph rocket engine test stands in the process of construction. There was no objection to taking along a female companion if this did not conflict with work schedules. The nooks and crannies, the low-branched live oaks, the tall wild oats in the spring and people's natural proclivities to romance took care of the rest. Thus, the so-called lunchless picnic became an everyday reality at PFL, or Piffle, as it became known to the natives.

On occasion, these [rendezvous] were documented with some steamy negatives and positives processed, of course, in the photo lab during the graveyard shifts.

Personally, I found this relaxed, permissive atmosphere both amusing and contradictory. The latter, because, after all, in the spring of 1956 there was a pervading climate of doom: unless we would develop an engine to launch our hydrogen bombs over Russia first, the Russians would surely do us in at an earlier date. So frantic was the pace, that I was actually hired in on overtime, although my knowledge of rockets and technical writing both [equaled] zero.

To watch Bobby, the Area II photographer, and Betty, the still photo file clerk, go bounding off in an Air Force jeep without either lunch or Speed Graphic, was hard to compromise with the daily bulletins which reminded us of the [missile] gap. But I soon discovered that the need of the Air Force for a cluster of engines to propel the Atlas Inter-continental ballistic missile always or nearly always took a back seat to anything even remotely entertaining and immediate.

This attitude went far beyond giggly rolls in the tall weeds behind Vertical Test Stand II. Actually, anything personal always had a DX plus priority. (DX was the government's highest priority designation. With it, anything could be obtained . . . men, materials, money; and no one could offer a valid or viable protest). A few items recalled at random will make this point clear.

Item One: A leading engineer charged with an important aspect of rocket testing had a fine set of patio supports fabricated from the best quality stainless steel. Although they could have been purchased at any home improvement supply center for $2 each in plain steel, nothing was too good for this important leader of rocket engine development. I surveyed the handsome foursome and asked my friend how much he thought they cost the USAF and thus the taxpayers: "Oh, I'd say about $90 each, if you don't count the overhead."

Item Two: Of course, the tab for G-jobs, as personal work was always called, was not always this high. For example, if I wanted a photograph of my unit [project] to show my children, this could be arranged for the asking.

Item Three: But then there was the strange case of Vernier Supply Group. An instance of scientific reality that certainly conflicted with the political goals of the pre-Apollo era. It seems that after the successful development of the small Vernier rocket engine for the Atlas engine cluster, the unit was transferred to the main plant in Canoga Park, some 25 minutes away by car or company bus.

[For the Italian edition, this part of the text includes this illustration. Translations are forthcoming, with Simon's help. -HP]
007.jpg (71.32 KiB) Viewed 41234 times

No one, however, thought to transfer the small group that had functioned as a logistical supply unit for the main Vernier group. Therefor[e], these people, unit leader, his secretary, a unit clerk and four purchasing agents -- seven in all -- remained behind at PFL with no activity to help pass the time. Rather than alert the main unit of their forlorn abandonment, the unit leader assumed the attitude that if they were called for, they would come. If not, they would jolly well stay at free-and-easy "Piffle" for all time!

And so the modern personification of Custer's Last Stand, the doughty Vernier Supply Group, remained on for almost six months. What did they do? Well, fortunately, Rocketdyne had a patented time save form known as the AVO (Avoid Verbal Orders). A simple piece of paper, it was used to make and receive various communications interdepartmentally. Thus, the unit leader merely dictated a variety of tasks to be performed within the unit in situ, and then saw that these tasks were promptly carried out.

Anyone who has spent any time at all in the armed forces, in civil service or any related bureaucratic activity, will instantly recognize the wisdom of this unit leader in "not making any waves". This latter phrase was a watchword throughout North American Aviation and meant exactly what it implies . . . as long as the paychecks are delivered on time and are reasonably correct, don't cause any uproar.

Author (standing, left) with crew of technical publications
unit at Propulsion Field Laboratory (Rocketdyne, a division of
North American Aviation) about 1961. Others are Les Helson
(standing, right), Norma Bachman (seated, left), and Ginny
Beery (seated, right).

It is a tribute to the Rocketdyne Industrial Engineering Department's astuteness and diligence that no more than six months passed before this group was discovered hiding in the corner of Building Delta, Area II, and promptly transferred to Canoga Park. Why hadn't the parent group missed them? Oh, there's always lots to do without having to call on your supply group for entertainment . . .
A part of the rocky Propulsion Field Laboratory in the Simi Hills in California in 1959. San Fernando Valley is in the distance.

The complexity of the LEM is shown in this cutaway. Failure of an item (fuel tank, battery, igniter) could doom any mission, and most of the equipment was untried in space as of July, 1969.


Statisticians say that completing this maneuver six times without a single failure is beyond probability. It is similar to the Kennedy murder fact: The deaths of 18 people who had something relevant to say about his death within a four year period afterwards has a natural probability factor of one in three trillion!


Over-all view: To complete the Apollo moon landing mission required that 15 separate steps take place. Each one perfect or very nearly so. And most important, all to take place within a rigid time schedule. According to NASA, these are the 15 phases...

1 Liftoff: Three Apollo astronauts leave Kennedy Space
Center for the moon.

Kaysing's comment: Had this been done with the five F-1 engines as planned, it would have been a most spectacular fire bomb. Unfortunately, it could have taken Miami with it.

2 After 2½ minutes the first stage drops away, and the
second stage ignites.

Kaysing's comment: This is true, especially since the astronauts are not on board but safely en route to the moon surface set.

3 The second stage burns 6½ minutes; the third
stage achieves earth orbit.

Kaysing's comment: At this altitude and speed, everything is safely out of sight and simulations can take place in astrophysical peace and quiet.

4 After checkout in orbit, the third stage fires again on a
lunar trajectory.

Kaysing's comment: Let's see now... with everything going 24,000 miles per hour...

5 Adapter panels open; the command/service module
begins its turn in space.

Kaysing's comment: Each move must be made with precision.

6 The command/service module turns and docks with the
lunar module.

Kaysing's comment: Doesn't all of this seem to be a bit complicated? Wouldn't it have been possible to have the various modules in the proper sequence on earth?

7 After docking, the spacecraft seperates from the Saturn
V's third stage.

Kaysing's comment: No comment other than to deplore the making of a junk yard of outer space.

8 The service module engine fires to slow the spacecraft into lunar orbit.

Kaysing's comment: More than a quarter of a million miles and with no hits by stray meteors, problems with the solar flares or difficulties with the Tang.

9 One astronaut remains in lunar orbit while two land on
the moon in the lunar module.

Kaysing's comment: Recall from the study of probabilities the odds against rolling nine sevens in a row. Here, too, the odds pile up.

10 The two astronauts explore the moon, obtain samples and
place instruments.

Kaysing's comment: Not only the most hazardous, but the most unbelievable. Again, particularly and especially when viewed as having been done repeatedly and with NO mishap whatsoever.

11 With descent stage as a launch pad, the ascent stage fires
for liftoff.

Kaysing's comment: That's eleven sevens in a row and each with increasing complexity.

12 Astronauts in lunar module rendezvous and dock with
command module.

Kaysing's comment: Perhaps Anatole France could see into the future when he once said... "All the historical books which contain no lies are extremely tedious."

13 The lunar module is abandoned in orbit and the
astronauts head for earth.

Kaysing's comment: More junk cluttering up space if we are to believe all that is pictured.

14 With service module jettisoned, the command module makes fiery reentry.

Kaysing's comment: And still more junk... just think of how many of these are whizzing around in space after seven Apollo "missions".

15 Slowed by the atmosphere, the spacecraft parachutes into the Pacific Ocean.

Kaysing's comment: No comment... the picture above is evidence enough.
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »



"The fire hazard always existed and NASA, North American Aviation and everyone else
connected with the Apollo program should have known it. Inside the command module
were all three factors that could start a fire: frayed wiring, combustibles and, worst
of all, pure oxygen that made the capsule an oxygen bomb."
-- "Mission To The Moon"

Most historians of the Apollo era agree that the fire in the command capsule which killed Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee was a culmination of mis-management and negligence on the part of NASA. Although more than 20,000 instances of failure had been logged prior to this untimely disaster, it was this incident, the flaming death of three men, that finally focused worldwide attention on the shortcomings, errors and outright criminal behavior of NASA management.

It is obvious that NASA had a better public relations department than it did a safety division. The public had never been adequately warned of the impending disaster although there were many ominous mentions in the trade press. Aviation Week, Aerospace Technology and other magazines which the general public never reads, reported all events, good and bad. There were a few mentions in obscure journals such as this from the Columbia Journalism Review by J.A. Skardon: "Through 1966 and up to the time of the Apollo fire, there was a series of accidents which, if viewed as a pattern, could have alerted the press (and public) to a need for a thorough re-examination of the Apollo program."

And from the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, by F.J. Hendel of North American Aviation in mid-1964: "Oxygen is more important to the survival of man than food or water. On the other hand, it presents a fire hazard which is especially great on the launching pad when the cabin is pressurized with pure oxygen at more than atmospheric pressure. No fire-fighting methods have been developed that can cope with a fire in pure oxygen."

As "Mission To The Moon" cites: "Neither NASA or NAA were prepared for a fire on the ground. Clearly the largest and most complex research and development program ever undertaken was far less than a perfect prototype for large-scale technological projects. Its decay had been spreading like a slow systemic cancer for many years."

Our contention: if any agency of the government could not handle a relatively simple problem on the ground, how could it expect to handle a complex problem or problems in space?

Readers are advised to obtain a copy of this startling report from their senator or congressman.

Command module of the type in which Grissom, Chaffee and White were burned to death in January, 1967. Inadequate safety measures were responsible for their deaths.
Mr. TEAGUE. With the conditions you pictured here, do you think
we could be successful in any of our shots?
Mr. BARON. No, sir; no, sir; I don't think so.
Mr. TEAGUE. We have had a lot of successes!
Mr. BARON. Yes, sir; you have. But not on the Apollo program.
There are some most revealing passages in the testimony of hapless Thomas Baron who was found dead in his car at a railway crossing a few days after he testified. Coincidence? We wonder.
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

The fabulous Las Vegas "Strip", one of the main reasons why the ASP base was located only an hour's drive away. MGM Grand Hotel, at right, is booked up solid for three years. Try the Dunes for a room.



Pictures tell this story best. Thus, we are grateful to the Las Vegas News Bureau for providing us with a fine selection of photographs which reveal why both top management and the astronauts themselves chose southern Nevada as the site for simulation activities.

The secret oasis on the Mercury base with astronauts and their wives enjoying a cool swim. Few people know of this aspect of LV.

The finest buffet in the world is served on the 24th floor of The Dunes Hotel/Casino. Another reason why the astronauts and their managers chose the Vegas area...

Impressive peaks climb from the desert floor and sand dunes not far from the ASP base. For the astronauts who loved to hike, this region was a paradise.

Educational opportunities abound at nearby University of Nevada at Las Vegas. The astronauts were able to add a degree or two while stationed as the Mercury ASP base.

Clerks and secretaries for the ASP control center (MASCOM) were recruited from Las Vegas casinos, which added to the general appeal of the location.

Gambling was another reason why the astronauts felt that Vegas was a place to relax and recuperate from their rigorous moon "trip". Here we see that casinos have their own secrets and methods of surveillance...

Almost as secret as Los Alamos was during WWII, Mercury, Nevada is virtually unknown to most Americans. What deep secrets does this small city hold? If indeed it was the headquarters for the Apollo simulation, its tightly guarded buildings could speak eloquently.

[Below] is the text from an AEC booklet on the secret base... UNDERLINES ARE OURS. Note that the base was increased about the time that the decision was made to simulate the moon trips.
The topography of the Nevada Test Site is typical of
the south central Nevada desert --- ranges of hills and
mountain peaks, and desert valleys with drainage into
dry lake beds. The Yucca and Frenchman dry lake beds
range from 3,000 to 4,000 feet in elevation and are sur-
rounded by hills and mountain ranges rising to heights
of as much as 7,700 feet.
The original site covered approximately 415,000 acres,
roughly 640 square miles. Addition of an area to the
west in 1956 and the Pahute Mesa and Desert Rock

areas in 1964 increased the size to approximately 850,-
000 acres, roughly 1,350 square miles.
NTS is in Nye County, Nevada, with its southeast
corner about 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
In this view of one of the many hidden canyons on the NTS/ASP base, it may be seen how effective minimal security measures could be. No one could drive or walk into the facility without detection. A vehicle could be spotted by the dust cloud it would raise; a person walking would comprise the only movement in this lunar-like terrain. Secret tunnels pierce these somber hillsides. Other facilities remain to our conjecture but are no doubt extensive as well as hidden.

Total security: Locked and guarded barricades are circled to show the extent of control over the entire NTS/ASP base of operations.

Note, in this page from the AEC handbook on their Nevada test site, the almost total isolation of the facility. Obviously an important aspect for the ASP operation. Not only was the site far from any habitation, it had an existing reputation as a forbidden region. Everyone was aware that deadly radiation from atomic tests still permeated many areas. Further, constant patrol by AEC guards made entry a virtual impossibility.
Test Site Isolation
The principal geographic feature that makes safe op-
erations possible at the test site is its isolation. From
the center of the forward tests areas in Yucca Flat, it is
some 40 miles to the nearest off-site permanent resi-
dence. Approximate straight line distances to populated
areas are: Las Vegas 70 miles, Alamo 50 miles, Caliente
87 miles, Tonopah 85 miles, Goldfield 70 miles, Beatty
40 miles, Lathrop Wells 40 miles, Indian Springs 45 miles,
Overton 95 miles, Pioche 100 miles, and Death Valley
Junction 57 miles.
The remote Pahute Mesa test area is about 100 miles
from Las Vegas and approximately 35 miles from the
nearest permanent residence. Tonopah is some 70 miles,
Goldfield 60 miles, Beatty 35 miles, Lathrop Wells 40
miles, Indian Springs 60 miles, and Death Valley Junc-
tion about 65 miles away.
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Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »



"Site Y, as Los Alamos was called, was smaller than the other two secret cities of the
Manhattan Project, Oak Ridge and Hanford. But, like them, its name did not appear
on any map -- neither was it used as an address."
-- Stephen Groueff, Manhattan Project, The Untold Story

Once the decision to simulate all moon voyages was made, NASA and the Defense Intelligence Agency moved swiftly. A code name was created : ASP (Apollo Simulation Project), and the effort was divided into the following tasks:

1. Secret top level organization and management
2. Intensive security, including counter-intelligence
3. Undercover procurement of personnel
4. Clandestine equipment design, manufacture, installation and operation
5. Coverup communications, including wiretaps and taping
6. Covert planning and special projects (Aerospace "plumbers")

A detailed discussion of each of these tasks will best describe how the entire project was successfully conducted.


"It was not easy (in 1943) to locate the Manhattan District. No such organization was
listed in the phone book; no one seemed to know anything about it."
-- Stephen Groueff

Since WWII, it has not been unusual for the United States to create special groups for clandestine political tasks. All are descended from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the brainchild of William J. Donovan. He convinced Roosevelt in 1942 that the U.S. needed a special organization to conduct secret intelligence activities, engage in special operations, wage psychological warfare and use any means to undermine the enemy's morale and interests.

One of the most sophisticated activities of OSS was research on subjects of strategic interest. In this effort they drew upon such high-level organizations as the Office of Scientific Research and Development headed at one time by Vannevar Bush. Bush was a leading scientist associated with the Manhattan District.

Although the OSS was disbanded after the war, personnel of three of its branches were kept on duty and incorporated into the new Federal intelligence structure. On January 22, 1946, President Truman issued an executive letter establishing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Please see: http://www.septemberclues.org/historical.htm for more on the historical precedence for the CIA and widescale hoaxes. - HP

Subsequently, the National Security Act of 1947 authorized the President to use the CIA to "perform such services of common concern as the National Security Council determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally; to perform such other duties affecting the national security as the Council may from time to time direct."

It is not required that one be a constitutional lawyer to recognize the tremendous power these clauses give the President to use the CIA for covert political warfare.

The phrases "services of common concern" and "such other duties affecting the national security" have been interpreted as legal authority for such diverse [activities] as : the U-2 episode, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Pueblo, Tonkin Gulf, My Lai and Watergate.

These cancerous outgrowths of the original intent of the National Security Act reveal that the CIA became the American Gestapo as well as a close copy of the dreaded Russian OGPU. As such, they are more than capable of implementing and executing any covert effort. The ultimate implication is that the public is the enemy -- to be manipulated, fooled and defrauded without mercy or conscience.


In 1961, the overall direction of ASP was coordinated under the aegis of a new federal entity, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). As cited by L. B. Kirkpatrick in the book "The U.S. Intelligence Community", the DIA was "conceived as an organization to assist in the coordination of the military contributions of the nation."

Obviously the DIA was expertly contrived to "help" NASA with their technical problems by establishing a totally simulated moon mission. After all, as most aerospace insiders know, the Apollo project was actually a military mission to determine the feasibility of using the moon as a military base of operations against foreign powers. Furthermore, almost 75 per cent of all NASA effort was basically military -- not space!

Author's conception of the ASP control center near Mercury, Nevada. Here, the top DIA simulation controllers directed the entire worldwide operation. Note maps of the then-AEC base on wall and TV monitors of the moon "set".

Personal comment: this does resemble a cross between typical NASA outfits and images of the inside of STRATCOM in Omaha, Nebraska. - HP

[Transcript of the image:]
Technical Areas
The NTS technical or experimental areas are contained in two desert basins called Yucca and Frenchman Flats and in Rainier, Buckboard, and Pahute Mesas. Timing and firing equipment for most nuclear detonation experiments is located in the main Control Point (CP-1), a complex of permanent facilities about 20 miles north of Mercury, Nevada. The Control Point is located on the crest of Yucca Pass between Yucca and Frenchman Flats.
Frenchman Flat is the dry lake basin just north of Mercury. The first nuclear test series in Nevada was conducted there. In subsequent years the area was used primarily for civil effects tests ad military experiments conducted to determine the effects of nuclear detonations on structures, military materiel, communications facilities, and transportation equipment. Many battered structures built for effects studies still stand in the dry lake bed. In recent years Frenchman Flat has been used only for occasional underground tests.
Yucca Flat, a valley roughly 10 by 20 miles in area extending north from the Control Point, has been the location for most of the nuclear detonations conducted at NTS.
Most underground tests are conducted in Areas 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in Yucca Flat, and in Area 12, the location of the tunnel test complex in Rainier Mesa at the northern end of Yucca Flat.
Areas 15 and 16 have been used for a few underground military effects test experiments in emplacement environments not available on Yucca Flat.
Two additional testing areas, 19 and 20, were developed for higher yield detonations in 1964-65 on the 7,500-foot high Pahute Mesa at the northwestern corner of the Test Site. A Pahute Mesa Control Point and a 5,800-foot air strip were constructed in Area 18, which adjoins the Pahute Mesa addition. This area was used for number of nuclear tests and chemical high explosive cratering experiments in the late 1950's and early 1960's. The Pahute Mesa Control Point has been dismantled and its functions incorporated in the Main Control Point, CP-1.
Area 1, used for tower tests in the 1950's, now is used for civi effects research and experimental activities.

Support Areas
Various camps and facilities provide NTS support. These include Mercury, Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, CP-1, Area 12 Camp, temporary camps, and a number of construction support centers.
Mercury (Area 23), headquarters for NTS, and a major support facility, is about five miles north of U.S. Highway 95 which runs from Las Vegas toward Reno. (The Federal Government funded $9,000,000 of a $10,000,000 construction program completed in 1965 for making a four-lane divided highway between NTS and Las Vegas. The State of Nevada funded the other $1,000,000). Mercury provides office space, overnight living quarters, utilities, mess halls, recreation facilities, and administrative offices for test organization personnel. Mercury has separate men's and women's dormitories, but no accomodations for families.

Camp Desert Rock (Area 22) was a U.S. Sixth Army installation used to house troops taking part in military exercises at NTS involving atmospheric nuclear detonations. Its real estate was added to the Test Site in 1964, and its air strip was extended to 7,500 feet to serve.NTS.

Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, a satellite facility of Nellis Air Force Base at Las Vegas, is about 24 miles southeast of Mercury. It is used in part for basing aircraft assigned for NTS operational and technical support.
The Area 12 Camp offers warehousing, overnight housing, and a cafeteria for personnel working in the northern part of NTS.
Description of ASP base. Careful research indicates that the most likely areas for an ASP facility were the least used by the AEC. These are underlined.

Although termed Area 6 by the AEC, this could be the headquarters of ASP near Mercury, Nevada. Note especially the air strips on the dry lake beyond facility. Also note banks of micro wave antennae.

I cannot distinguish 'microwave antennae' here, but would they have existed, I'm curious if they might be capable of skywave signals for propagating the hoax of a 'satellite system' for these missions? - HP

Another secret installation probably related to the ASP effort. Isolation has always been the key to such activities whether a concentration camp or a secret rocket base. Who could enter here unseen?

More importantly, note the striking resemblance of the terrain to a lunar landscape.

When the capability of controlling orbiting H-bombs became a reality, the moon became far less important to the Pentagon's planners. Who needs a moon base when it's possible to destroy any or all of the planet with bombs disguised as communications satellites that orbit the earth 24 hours a day, they reasoned.

However, despite this diminishment of interest, the military was still strongly supportive of any activity that would enhance U.S. prestige worldwide. Thus, the DIA was structured to provide services to NASA, as shown in the chart. How these various departments or divisions functioned is described in the interpretive tabulation.
Defense Intelligence Agency Organization

NOTE: The column at left is from the DIA organizational chart
itself, while the column at right is our interpretation
of their duties with Apollo Simulation Project (ASP),

DIVISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TASK

Scientific Advisory Committee . . . . . . Input from NASA's secret ASP staff.

National Photo Interpretation . . . . . . . Create all simulated mission photos,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . including color views of earth from space.

Imagery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special effects on earth and simulations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on model of moon

Human Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Procurement and management of key
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . simulation personnel including astronauts

Requirements, Systems Control . . . . Design and manufacture of simulation hardware.

Operations Coordination . . . . . . . . . . Worldwide communications control for
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . entire moon mission transmissions.

Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leak elimination (Apollo 'plumbers')

Imagery Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . Double check on Imagery Division output.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Ensures accurate simulations, both visible
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and electronic.)

Scientific and Technical Intelligence . . Gathers and analyzes NASA simulation data.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Makes recommendations.

Mapping, Charting & Geodesy . . . . . . Responsible for earth and moon sets, plus
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . authentic photos, moon rock and other
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fraudulent materials.

Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ensures compliance with international agreements,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Can be assigned to collect moon rocks from
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Twin Falls, Idaho.

Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press and public relations as well as all
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . technical and scientific transmissions.

Counter-Intelligence and Security . . . . Responsibility for ensuring that potential
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . open-mouths do not have public voice.


Training center for ASP personnel: Washington and Nevada

As may be seen by the interpretation of the DIA chart, this group was not only a managerial body but an action force that instigated, implemented and fulfilled the ASP project. Its budget was enormous but still less than the above ground Apollo effort; estimates range from four to seven billion dollars, as against more than 30 billion for the visible Apollo. Secrecy is expensive but, inversely, large sums often attract attentions that can prove damaging to a covert operation.

In general, the ASP program was approached in the same manner as the production of the atomic bomb: total secrecy, total compliance and costs be damned! There was no margin for error. The prestige of the U.S. was at stake. Also, the national and international repercussions that would have resulted from exposure of the fraud would have dwarfed the Bay of Pigs or Watergate affairs.


"Not more than a half-dozen men were entrusted with complete information concerning the project and its objective, although a total of 800 were involved. Each floor of the building had an armed guard on duty. Burglar alarms were installed on all doors and windows. Everyone had two wastebaskets -- one painted red for classified information. Every evening these were taken downstairs and their contents incinerated in the presence of a security officer. Only American citizens were permitted to work on the project and then only after being cleared by Intelligence Services. Visitors had to fill out a slip and tear off a stub of this slip. By so doing, they left, without suspecting it, their fingerprints on the specially sensitized paper of the stub . . . The word 'uranium' was never used."
-- From "The Manhattan Project"

Although more than 300,000 persons were directly involved in the building of the atomic bomb (1942-45), no significant information whatsoever reached the public. Thus was established a viable precedence for ASP. The ASP managers could not only point to the Manhattan's success in secrecy, but could use their methods. After all, in an America which has been sliding towards a police state for years (wiretaps, no-knock, civilian surveillance), it was a relatively simple matter to apply these techniques of cloak and dagger to ASP.

Rigidly tight security develops itself a perfect position. Anyone can be excluded by the principle of "need to know". Since NASA has always been 75 per cent military and certainly ASP was in this category, preventing anyone high or low from seeing certain hardware, data or locations, was as easy as dropping a thick curtain. Further, anyone who comprised a threat or knew too much could be taken care of in a number of interesting ways. And all of these measures were justified as being protection of the national interests.

One of the first security measures undertaken by the ASP Security Staff was the establishment of a base of operations.


The chart which compares methods of connection with protection was used to determine the optimum location for the ASP base. Beyond these prosaic considerations was the exciting appeal of a nearby resort city. Thus, it was no accident that the ASP base was located 32 miles east of Mercury, Nevada. The land surrounding the base has long been controlled by the U.S. Air Force and the Atomic Energy Commission -- a double threat to any interlopers.

In this view of the region it may be seen that any trespassers would show up instantly on the screens of the constantly-on TV monitors. Also, control of personnel through the few checkpoints could be accomplished with efficiency and dispatch.

The Mercury ASP base was desirable from a number of security-related standpoints:

1. Strange shipments could be delivered inside trucks marked with the dreaded "radiation" sign.

2. Staff could come and go via the heavily guarded airfield. An elaborate warning-wave-off radio-radar protection system prevented any private planes from using the field except for dire emergencies. Even then, strangers were prevented from actually seeing anything of a compromising nature.

3. Odd noises, weird devices, excavations were permissible since no outsiders had visual or audio access.

4. Coded communications could be made by regular or incredibly high frequency microwave radio.

5. Tensions could be relieved by making the less-than-one-hour trip to Las Vegas, a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week, anything-goes resort boasting more than 30 large casinos.

Last but far from least, a [liaison] was established with the hidden rulers of Las Vegas, the crime organization chieftains. When needed, services could be exchanged on a mutually beneficial basis, i.e., large sums of money for use of expert "button men". The Cosa Nostra staff presented no problems for ASP Security; they had centuries of practice remaining silent.

NOTE: U.S.-Mafia criminal cooperation was hardly new. During the invasion of Sicily during WWII, Mafia chieftains aided American troops.


Staffing ASP was not as difficult as it might appear to the layman. First, everyone has a price although sometimes the price is one's life. Notwithstanding diehards, recruiting of ASP people went swingingly. People love to know secrets and they also love to have lots of money to spend. ASP provided both.

Salaries of $50,000 for minor technicians were not uncommon. We have deleted the pay of higher staff personnel out of sympathy for the taxpayer who might be reading this chapter.

NOTE: Adjusting for inflation, a "small" salary of $50,000 is akin to the mid-level CEO in today's market getting paid several times the rate of his employees. So $50,000 or higher in the 1960's would be significant incentive indeed. Today, a CEO can make 400 times the rate of his employee, and yet $50,000 is a high salary in America. As an example, many young persons of this generation can expect half of that or less for much of their lives, and that's not even assessing their taxes or debt. In other words, the poor have gotten some magnitudes poorer, but the rich have gotten several hundred magnitudes richer. - HP

In addition to salaries, expense accounts for "rest and relaxation" were virtually unlimited. It is interesting to note that during the build-up of ASP facilities near Mercury, income for many of the Las Vegas casinos hit new highs.

Three major categories of ASP personnel existed:

1. Top level management, including DIA and supplemental agency support.

2. Interface personnel, many on "need to know" basis.

3. The astronauts themselves.

Recruiting of the first two categories was done on a money first, patriotism second, basis. It was eminently successful. More discretion was required in obtaining the cooperation of astronauts. For these dedicated and brave men, the following arguments were used:

A. The moon mission was tremendously important to the continuance of the United States as (or THE) power in political, military, scientific and technical areas.

B. Billions of dollars and several lives had been spent so far; to scratch the mission at this point (1963) would be disastrous to the administration from a public relations standpoint. NASA was in the same position as a Vegas gambler who is in too deep to quit. (NASA's self-interest was also a strong influence: it is a truism that all bureaucracies seek to expand or at least perpetuate themselves.)

C. There would be no danger since the men would not exit the earth's gravitational field.

D. Fame and fortune would be theirs, tarnished only slightly by the fact that the voyage would be illusionary.

E. Intimations that refusal could bring reprisals ranging from demotion to in-flight "accidents". There was no need to remind the candidated of the eight astronauts who had died accidentally during the early phases of Apollo.

NOTE: Thomas R. Baron, an employee of North American Aviation, Apollo's prime contractor, submitted a 500 page report on the inadequacies of the program following the fatal fire of Pad 34. Shortly thereafter, Baron was killed when his car apparently stalled in front of a locomotive.

In addition to these cogent persuasions, the men approached had lifetime histories of obedience. All were or had been in the armed forces and were accustomed to accepting assignments regardless of the risk or rather, in spite of the risk.

Most pilots are extroverted, game-playing individuals. Thus, it was a relatively simple matter to train the astronauts to play their respective roles in the high drama of ASP. As with most machinery, strains may develop in humans under stress. The recent breakdown of Edwin A. Aldrin, the lunar module pilot, could be an indication of second thoughts.

In summary, ASP recruitment was an unqualified success. That no information has been revealed to this day is not surprising. A CIA-sponsored group known as Air American is noted for its two distinct types of alumni: The silent and the silenced.


Once a base was established and security in effect, the preparation of simulation equipment could begin.

A complete set of the moon was built in an underground cavern at the ASP base. Every location that would be used for landings was created in exact detail. This elaborate sound stage was code named Copernicus, after one of the lunar craters. It soon earned the name "Cuss" because of problems in lighting and sound.

In addition, scale models of the earth, sun, moon and other bodies were carefully built and mounted within a planetarium-like device so that they could be positioned and photographed with accuracy, repeatability and believability.

The underground sound stage resembled those at a major Hollywood studio complete with overhead catwalks for lighting, camera dolly tracks and other basic filming and TV equipment. In addition, there was a plethora of special effects tools, including high intensity lighting to imitate the harsh glare of sunlight on the airless moonscape.

All scenes of the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) were filmed on this set with astronauts as "stars". There were no more problems than would appear during the filming of "Star Trek:, "2001, A Space Odyssey", or "Silent Running". After all, Hollywood grips and gaffers, cameramen and directors had acquired long experience in science fiction film production. A plus for the project was the advantage of filming silent. All voices and equipment sounds were dubbed in by an elaborate sound creation ad dubbing studio immediately adjacent to the moon set.

SPECIAL NOTE: In the film "Diamonds Are Forever", with Sean Connery playing the role of Agent 007 - James Bond, there is a curious and unexplained scene. He enters a secret research facility in the Nevada desert by ruse. Suddenly he finds himself in a large room in which there is an authentic moon landscape. Lumbering about in their clumsy space suits are two would-be astronauts. Nothing happens, the scene is not explained, and the viewer is left to ponder its significance. Could it be...? Yes, it could!

Also installed at the "Cuss" base was the master control of which the so-called Mission Control and the Spacecraft Center at Houston were merely satellites or slaves. The master [control] of Cuss (MASCONCULL) collected all data, programmed it into a computer which then coordinated the entire moon landing simulation. Since all releases were by well-edited tape, there was no chance of a blooper. Again, the total control of news by the American corporate state set an effective precedent for the totally controlled output of MASCONCULL. From prelaunch countdown to the final descent to the ocean, all sound and video transmissions emanated from the flawless and mechanistic heart of a specially modified IBM 370-C computer.


The term "hardware" became a standard term in the aerospace industry for anything that was not stored in a file cabinet or recorded on tape. In short, it meant anything that was manufactured: from an Automatically controlled solenoid to an IDIOT (Intermediate Digital On-Line Transducer).

From the date of the decision to simulate, a modified hardware program was conducted. For example, the Saturn C-5 moon rocket assembly was built to specifications with one major modification: instead of the totally unreliable F-1 engines, five booster engines of the more dependable B-1 type as used in the C-1 cluster for the Atlas missile were used.

Although a cluster of five B-1 engines produced only one-half of the output of a single F-1 chamber, the power (750,000 pounds thrust) was sufficient to launch the virtually empty Apollo vehicle. If the rocket had been in its designed form it would have weighed 6,000,000 pounds, or 3000 tons fully loaded. This is the weight of a U.S. naval destroyer, further pointing out the total impracticality of the venture. However, by eliminating every aspect of the moon voyage -- fuel, heavy engines, LEM vehicles, etc., the total weight of the modified, shortrange, simulated voyage Apollo was less than one twentieth of the original, or about 150 tons. This loading was well within the capabilities of the B-1 propulsion units. Also, since the originally planned two million parts were reduced to a mere 150,000 gadgets, the success of the limited mission was virtually assured.

However, even C-1 Atlas engines were known to explode on the pad or shortly following launch. Thus, the escape module for the astronauts was left intact and functioning. If there had been an accidental loss of thrust or other mishap, it would have been simple to have the "saved" astronauts merge from the escape module after its recovery.


Although the most critical element from the standpoint of press and public relations interface, simulated communications and printed data were technically the simplest to produce.

First, an agreement was obtained by DIA and ASP representative working with and through the semi-secret Council on Foreign Relations. This agreement being a reciprocal one that would ensure silence on any revelatory Apollo information by major foreign powers.

Russia was the only nation that has the sophisticated tracking radar capable of following Apollo and thus sabotaging the simulation. But Russia was planning extensive commercial exchange with the U.S. and intelligently recognized that they would gain no real advantage by destroying the U.S. myth. After all, their space program had always been ahead of ours and this fact was well-established worldwide.

Actually, there has never been a real problem between or among major nations where control of the masses has been a consideration, i.e., cold and hot wars to keep the masses occupied while they are being fleeced before slaughter. For further information in this area, read "The Rich And The Super-Rich" by Phillip Lundborg.
The presentation of "on-scene" data was divided into these categories:

1. Visual presentations to the public or uncleared personnel.
. . . A. Launch
. . . B. Re-entry (Although out of sight of carrier crews)

2. Radio transmissions during launch, trip to moon, exploration and return.

3. TV transmission from the moon.

4. Still pictures; black and white and color.


Hair-raising for the simulators but most convincing to the public were the launches. After all, if people could drive to the Cape, park and see an immense rocket lift itself off the pad, was this not the ultimate proof that a trip was, indeed, being made to the moon itself? The fact that once out of sight, the vehicle traveled a sub-orbital trajectory to the south polar sea (and jettisoned), did not diminish in any way the blazing glory of the launch to the moon.

The return to the earth by the astronauts in their re-entry module was far less risky than the launch. This was true since it was effected by dropping the module from a C-5A cargo plane. Just prior to this drop, they were picked up at a super-secret, well camouflaged island south of Hawaii.

It is interesting to note that the module was always dropped out of sight of the carrier's crew. Had the simulators desired, it would have been possible to drop the module into the Pacific from a far-ranging nuclear submarine. However, the plan method was chosen since it required a smaller crew "in the know" and ease of security that evolves from a hidden air base (Tauramoto Archipelago)


Of utmost simplicity, once installed and checked out, was their radio data transmitted "from" the moon vehicle. Secret, leased and well-secured telephone lines were connected to the antennae inputs of all space communications centers. These included the major tracking stations in Australia, Africa and the west coast of the United States.

To accommodate amateur radio operators who might want to tune it, identical broadcasts were made from an orbiting satellite. So perfect were all of these simulations, that the momentary blackout when the module was supposed to be behind the moon was faithfully reproduced.


[Unquestionably] the most interesting and entertaining for all concerned (simulators and fools alike) were the scenes of astronauts gamboling about the lunar set. In addition, these delightful frolics were really elementary exercises for the stage crews. After all, decades of special effects development for the motion picture industry preceded the need for this expertise.

A curious anomaly [occurred] with respect to this phase of the simulation. The set had to be photographed through filters and electronic "noise" had to be added to avoid a too-perfect picture. Otherwise these scenes would resemble too closely the action from "Star Trek" and other science fiction presentations. Even so, many viewers in bars and country clubs all over the U.S. suspected rather loudly that the scenes were a fake. Little of this reached the newspapers.

Note in this montage of photographs of the astronauts "at work" on the moon that the simulation was simplicity itself. With a totally black space background, a rough but firm moon surface and the LEM featured prominently, the reasonably authentic lunar scene was well within the capabilities of motion picture set designers and special effects experts. The range marks lend an uncanny resemblance to reality -- a tribute to the painstaking work of the simulators on an unlimited budget.

[No such imagery follows, so one can presume this part of the text was altered or not completed. Please post in the CHATBOX if you have a more complete volume of this book, and I will update it here. -HP]


These photographs of moon models created early in the Apollo program by NASA show how simple it was to take authentic appearing shots of the moon in space. The simulators had a choice of several expensive earth models fro their "blue-green-island-in-space" photos. Again, highly developed Hollywood techniques allowed many types of pictures to lie with great believability. Here are some typical NASA press shots with Hollywood stills placed adjacent for comparison. The reader may make his own judgements.

[Again, no such imagery follows. Please post in the CHATBOX if you have a more complete volume of this book, and I will update it here. -HP]


This department was charged with the overall responsibility for planning and direction of the simulation. They also undertook (an appropriate word) to cover up any errors of theirs or any other ASP group.

Using the proven principles of the PERT system (a U.S. Navy method for coordinating many different activities simultaneously), this group generated a flexible but effective plan of action. It included such elements as:


The astronauts and their families as viewed through a bottle of syrup. The success of various flights and tests, heavily colored. Advantages of space flight. Many articles were ghostwritten for such characters as Wernher von Braun and appeared in popularized science magazines. Diagrams of space trips. Photographs of lunar landing vehicles, space suits, food and drink, including a new radiator cleaning agent called Tang. Puffery for such over-fed NASA pontiffs as James E. Webb.


PASP was a most important arm of ASP. They ensured that fee if any questions would be asked. If questioners persisted, they found themselves deluged with offers they couldn't refuse. The limited number of recalcitrants found it hard to swim with formfitting cement tennis shoes....




L-72 hours, pre launch activities
Normal with the exception of substituted flight
hardware. Example: B-1 boosters placed within
F-1 combustion chambers. Lox RP-1 combo
rather than touted LH2 O2.

L-1 hour, highly publicized and photographed entry
of the astronauts into the Apollo vehicle

Analogous to a magician putting his "victim"
into the box preparatory to sawing him in half.

L-20 minutes
The three astronauts depart the module via a
high speed elevator. They go to heavily secured
room in which there is an exact duplicate of
the flying module. During this transitional period
the TV picture is "lost accidentally."

Launch + one second
Normal in appearance with the five B-1
boosters functioning as F-1's

L + 23 minutes
Following booster engine cutoff (BECO) a mock
J-2 second stage cuts in. This is followed by a
third stage mock J-2 which places the Apollo
into a parking orbit. Meanwhile, the astronauts
are flown to the moon set in Nevada by high
altitude jet. Communication switchover to
Nevada takes place.
Inputs of a phantom Apollo vehicle are now
transmitted to the Deep Space Instrumentation
Facilities at Goldston, Calif.; Johannesburg,
South Africa; and Woomera, Australia.

L + 2 hours
All ASP systems are "GO". The Apollo has
been jettisoned into the South Polar Sea. The
three astronauts are comfortably seated in
their subterranean module mockup surrounded
by top ASP directors. Within this fantastic
and well-equipped building is [every] conceivable
luxury, including a few of the shapliest showgirls
from Las Vegas, cleared for secret [...meetings, perhaps?], of course.

L + 72 hours
Activities of the astronauts pick up as lunar
holding orbit is approached. Moon set held
in readiness for "touch-down". Studio grips
and gaffers sprinkle moon dust on moon rocks,
adjust lighting from sun arc. Green cheese
sandwiches are served. (?)

L + 74 hours
The astronauts assume their respective positions.
The lunar orbiting pilot remains behind
in the command module while the "landing
party" enters the LEM for the trip to the
moon's surface.


ARMSTRONG: "Is my antenna out? OK, now
we're ready to hook up the LEC here."

ALDRIN: "Now that should go down. . .
(static). . . put the bag up this way. That's
even. Neil, are you hooked up to it?"

ARMSTRONG: "Yes, OK, now we need to
hook this?"

With all TV cameramen in position, the director
calls for "lights, camera, action". Protected
by a seven second delay in transmission and
the watchful eye of the ASP moon walk
director, the exciting scenes of the moon landing
take place. The commander makes his well-
rehearsed remark as he steps carefully from
the LEM to the meticulously prepared surface
of "moon", just 90 miles north of the bright
lights and jangling slot machines of Las Vegas.
NOTE: It's not a great performance, but good
enough considering the actors and the audience.

The balance of the flight is almost an anti-climax. The return to the LEM, the reunion with the orbiting command module, the routine trip back to earth and touchdown. Simulated re-entry involves a minimum of equipment: simply a command module dropped from a C-5A. The astronauts are flown to a small atoll south of Hawaii; they board the plane, enter the module and are dropped safely just out of sight of the pickup carrier.

A team of ASP psychologists determines that
the astronauts require a transitional period
before confronting the press directly. This is
necessary to:

1. Eliminate guilt feelings[.]
2. Study and memorize moon data.
3. Practice responding to questions.

In short, orient themselves so that they behave
like returning heroes instead of highly paid actors.

On their own but closely watched, the astronauts
do their utmost to exude the aura of triumph,
the facade of victory. For the majority of viewers,
the simulation is a success.


The schedule is exact but flexible; flexibility lends authenticity. In all, a difficult operation, but far less so than a genuine trip to the moon would have been.
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Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:24 pm

Re: We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Kaysing undoubtedly had the skepticism to challenge the authenticity of the space program, so it's curious why he endorsed the "microwave satellite" explanation, but undoubtedly, he was working with the information he had to expose the one thing he knew was a hoax: the moon landings. We could probably expand on their likely methods back then, using what we know about skywave, Internet and other communication systems today. -HP



Once the Saturn was out of sight and until the capsule "returned", all evidence of the "flight" was in the form of electromagnetic waves. These, of course, are simple to simulate and transmit. Any or all of the four systems described below could have been employed. Others may have been used but these appear to be the most logical.


The basic system was provided by direct wire connections interspersed with microwave transmissions. All were basically Bell System communications on a CIA basis : no monitors, or total "hands off" by the lessors. NOTE: Bell and its offspring like AT&T are intricately tied up with the CIA and that organization's fascination with wiretapping. Bell (et al) appears conspicuously in the 9/11 simulation as well. -HP

At the input were, of course, the synchronized tape decks that provided the complete moon landing simulation. It should be noted that these included response and "recommendations" of Mission Control at Houston. In other words, these tapes were not just transmissions from the moon -- they included all audio and the simulated video from the moon set. Thus, Mission Control at Houston and all other communicators were speaking into essentially dead mikes.

Data sent into oscilloscopes, graphic recorders and TV screens showing data displays, computer recording banks, were all from this one master tape. Again, there could be no error since all events had been meticulously recorded even to the "boo-boos", jokes and seeming improvisations of the astronauts and their counterparts on earth. Experience for this masterful presentation was derived from decades of sound track effort for both motion pictures and TV presentations of science fiction adventures.


Unknown to most Americans is the existence of an ultra-low frequency transmission station in a northwestern state. This facility is used to broadcast messages to submerged nuclear submarines. The radio waves sent by this station are so long they are lethal to humans if the latter are adjacent to the transmitter. This permits automatic secrecy.

Also, the receivers are of special design and few amateurs would even dream of receiving this type of broadcast. Therefore, ULF was used as a backup to the other methods of transmitting Apollo simulation data of all types.


The most sophisticated method was microwave satellite to microwave. As a backup, a special satellite contained a tape unit that could be triggered by the ASP control station at Mercury. Thus, there was redundance to the redundancy.