Sydney Lindt Café psyop

This is the forum dedicated to all 'minor' local psyops - phony murders, kidnappings and whatnot. It has now become evident that the news media constantly feeds the public with entirely fake stories - in order to keep us in eternal fear of our next-door neighbours and fellow citizens.
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Sydney Lindt Café psyop

Unread post by datspot »

News reports coming through on December 15th, 2014 at around 11am.

Martin Place, Sydney, Australia.

So far, police are standing around casually and pointing from time to time. repetitive footage and some nice early pics from journo's on Twitter.


Source: (Ann Odong) ... 12/photo/1


Source: ... rtin-Place

Meet strange neck and missing ear reporter,

Is the character in the small window running their finger across their throat?

Hide and Seek

My knowledge of these things is limited. Whatever I learned about these things I learned from this forum and so I would be interested in other peoples' opinions on the footage, photo's and the whole event.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by sunshine05 »

There must be something to the "hands up" theme as of late.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by fbenario »

sunshine05 wrote:There must be something to the "hands up" theme as of late.
That pose has become the go-to act for folks protesting the non-indictment in the St. Louis Michael Brown murder.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

fbenario wrote:
sunshine05 wrote:There must be something to the "hands up" theme as of late.
That pose has become the go-to act for folks protesting the non-indictment in the St. Louis Michael Brown murder.
I was at a protest in 2008 to support some friends putting on the thing against the GOP (Republicrats) gathering. At the time, I was pretty inexperienced in things of this nature, but even I could see something was fishy about the way the event played out. This is when my eyes opened to how theatrical protests are and how many mind games are going on during something like it. The staff of The Daily Show was there giving us something between applause and "the slow clap" (sarcastic or not, I honestly couldn't fathom that it was in earnest) from the sidelines. No clear indication of their feeling was communicated to the group, except perhaps that we should be honored by their mere presence. It was crawling with "undercover" cops that honestly looked like Aryans busting out of their "casual" costumes, all in the same boots. Just before setting out on the planned march route, a tidy middle-aged to retirement-aged woman who identified herself as a Kennedy appeared seemingly out of nowhere and told us we should be sticking our hands up in the air to represent our powerlessness. She said, "The world has never seen a protest like this in America, and it will cause more sympathy around the world if you walk like this." I guess, she reasoned, if it is seen that the cops are the ones using all their brutal tricks on an unarmed "surrendering" populace, it will effect big names.

At the time, everyone I was with who had spent months and weeks organizing this and related gatherings all but rolled their eyes and told her to scram. I wanted to try to broker peace in a casual way and so I prompted her to respond to my point that this action would be a lie, not only because I (and others in the group) believed that any group of people is powerful when organized, but because some people are actually not wanting to make the sign of surrender while walking into a tear-gas canister situation, which the whole disaster turned out to be in the end. Although it had been assumed by all that arrests would be made, it had not been assumed by some who participated that the cops would be firing canisters at people and marching on them like soldiers on either side of the bridge they were trapped on, abusing their senses until arrests could be made in a fascistic way.

When I see the "hands up" thing happening now, it brings me back to that day my friends were arrested for walking down the street in the organized fashion we were told to walk. They were arrested for following invitations and going through the motions of a protest that meant confusing chaos to almost everyone, though these tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people had been invited by the authorities to make the walk in peace; this jaded me somewhat on the Psychological Operations that occur around all the major organized gatherings of our multi-Nationed country.

I am not exactly sure just how much more insulting it would have been to have had our collective hands up and have the same tear gas fired on the population, the same arrests and abuses to occur, but it seems this Kennedy lady was telling us it would have somehow made a psychological difference to someone who matters.

If only this person had met with the groups earlier and explained and collaborated with good humor, in a much broader and more detailed conversation about her understanding of how her world works (and that was in turn communicated to people receiving the images of the protests) there might have been some actual communication going down. Instead, cryptic messages attached to vague promises of connection to misunderstood and definitely enigmatic powers are the only thing offered to the people.

And those who control the media claim they are communicating useful strategies for self empowerment to people subconsciously or some other fucking nonsense. Nobody knows how the system works because the people in charge are afraid of explaining the system to people. Any well-meaning media tries to get close to it, and as a result they are enslaved by it. The majority of the media, which as slaves are seemingly not well-meaning any longer (or if they are, made as impotent talking heads) if just to save their own skins, end up as some of the oligarchy's best tools at keeping the nature of power a secret.

The nature of that power is organizing people who do not know they are organized.

So we continue to end up with enigmatic and obscure leaders in a "winner take all", talent-show style popularity contest, inheriting a system the elected cannot understand and dare not explain lest they lose the power they have mysteriously been granted and could just as mysteriously be removed from.

I would guess that any one of us arm-chair researchers that considers ourselves amateurs is actually closer to the real truth, and therefore more useful to the public as such, by merely taking on the same study that politicians attempt with all their lies, promises and disorienting rides through the theater of the absurd we call our State governments.

In essence, we are trying to convince people to study the fact that seemingly disorganized masses of people are in fact organized, there is a science to the organization, and remotely manipulating our senses — through all of the most casual and therefore unnoticed of human interactions — is the primary, most facile, effective, tried and true way of getting us organized in such a way that we don't even recognize when we are manipulating each other, let alone that we have been manipulated by a story at all.

Perhaps a large level of disbelief from some people comes from a core fear that as people informing them of this fact, we are also more capable and willing manipulators. In fact, it is because we like to acknowledge and share our power and observances with others that many of us desire the science of manipulation be known — to prevent manipulation and undue changes of power that most people complain about but refuse to take responsibility for. To help people acknowledge that denial of the science of manipulating people en masse is real, we observe over and over what can be done by the power of collected knowledge in the hands of just one person, let alone a trusted circle enjoying the power together, particularly if that knowledge is important enough. We strive onward to expose the most baffling of magic tricks that have fooled people in our world. We do this to help people come to recognize how people suspecting the existence of valuable knowledge are also seduced by their lust for this knowledge, are willing to lie and cheat others themselves for a taste of it. (What kind of breaks my heart over and over is the amount of able, young, idealistic people willing to dig themselves into insurmountable valleys of debt in seeking it where they may only be rewarded with a sample of truth, and a certificate assuring them that their methods of trusting what they are told by authority is the most valid way of exploring the mystery of life.)

Some of us have also fallen for immense wastes of time in lieu of having mentors we just couldn't find in our locale, or in our day — wise people that are trapped in financial straits or simply locked up for speaking out against it (or genuinely going mad because of the traumatizing experience of it). We find ourselves here on the Internet and have come to realize, each in our own individual way, that it does not take a celebrated genius to recognize powerful truths that can turn the tide of the entire world. It does not even take a particularly amazing or impressive looking person. These truths most frequently help us rather than hinder us.

A fundamental world view difference between us and the banking powers must be that shared knowledge is mostly useful and good, whereas their belief is that shared knowledge of our world is inherently evil because of its power (though I guess they must live with the fact that not sharing it may cause even more evil).

The truth we have made a habit of trying to imbue into our culture is that any person at all — from a child, to a mentally challenged person, to an emotional wreck to someone who is simply boring, from an arrogant idler to a true saint, from a bigot to a bright, empathic, compassionate person — can carry with them personal, affirming knowledge a powerful truth, if it is not stolen from them and used as a weapon before it can be shared with a giving attitude. I don't think there is much of any kind of information that can be purely weaponized, if presented on its own. Not the way they say we made the Atomic Bomb or AIDS or any other suspicious story we have investigated lately. It takes privileged information plus action based on others' ignorance of one's personal experience of having that data to turn it into a weapon.

And it is the simple act of sharing this kind of knowledge — not artwork or drugs or other sensory gratifications, not suggestions and incitations to action like Alex Jones and his constant suggestions to stockpile and hide, but personal experiences — the fullest explanation of our experience of sharable knowledge — with those we choose to trust with it (and not with those who have not yet earned our trust) which is our right, a right that is being taken from us because those in power, whom we have allowed in power, do not trust us. They continually manufacture havoc from their position of information envy, while offering up fictions based on fear, of what their radical belief system envisions would be the result of sharing coveted and useful information.

We are told to mistrust our neighbor, spy on them, report them. Signs are popping up in cities: if you see something at all that you wish to fear, say something about that fear, tell the authorities just who amongst the general population you dislike and mistrust, as long as you aren't pointing the finger at them. But do not report them, those we cannot see, the knowledge kept from us and which we seek to understand and share. Do not complain about the place you have been alloted. Fight for it with your neighbor, we are seemingly told.

The kind of personal knowledge which can be tested individually and confirmed by anyone, which can be claimed by anyone about the experience of being alive, is one of the types of knowledge that we most frequently and happily give away. For nothing. For free. For the simple, kind act of wishing everyone to have the freedom to know it so that it is both robbed of its potential to be a weapon and even better may in some way collectively improve the shared human experience. This is the kind of knowledge I believe that all are here hoping to share, even if we occasionally slip into bitter lamentations about those who have weird knowledge and are using it negatively.

These "leaders" of "information envy" (or perhaps, to avoid the risk of comparison to the very debunkable and chauvinistic theory of "penis envy", it should be called "information rejection") are only human and have a right to their beliefs. It's just that, increasingly, they are allowing themselves to envelope their world in what some (including myself) might consider a dying trifold paradigm: the idea that their personal experiences are inherently more valuable than the personal experiences of others, the idea that to covet (or even just basically protect) these experiences means to throw virtual sand in everyone's eyes about horrifying death, terrible disease and disasters they would force everyone to experience, and the idea that the means of morally achieving this right from the Creator is by obsessively (compulsively?) claiming that common and vague information like numbers, letters, words and symbols have any personal recognizability to them at all. In a sense, the rejection of intellect or communication in favor of a kind of pure, animal being apart from others.

I wouldn't always call these people necessarily the most psychotic. But I would consider them a kind of human being that has defended the human right to a maniacal, anarchistic hedonism that manifests itself as physiological rejection of others — perhaps as a means of hiding within culture. Perhaps they actually have a rich experience behind that facade, and that is what the secret ceremonies and temple gatherings are all about. Perhaps this is even comparable to our own behavior in society and in our homes and gathering places, minus a sociopathic lack of basic courtesy or politeness, and also minus the tendency to share their paranoia and/or belief in violent threats to achieve goals. It truly is a mystery what their reasons are (should they have them) until such people decide to share that information.

Until then, I think we should use our quest for information we have shared with each other to reform our world into a brighter, happier, more optimistic and less stressful place to live for all life. If that means necessarily looking at people's social ugliness with more appreciation, acceptance, forgiveness, understanding and/or love, I don't think it's too hard a challenge for us who care as deeply as we do for our cohabitants in this world.

It is extremely contradictory for me to have this belief while needing to use offensive language to "defend" the information I value on the web from basic attacks. I've thrown insults at the attacks, largely not to dissuade the attackers (whom we can simply ban or remove) but to try to have observers of the conflict understand the authenticity with which I feel the right to share. I want to share with any and all allies around the world (whom I think I consider every person to be) not just the information on this site, but the true passion and earnest hope for justice and peace with which many of us share it. This is why I have sometimes considered removing myself from this site and working more deeply on my actual interactions with real people, without the use of simulation devices, on a daily basis.

This has turned into a rather long explanation or response to something that didn't need it. But I guess it just strikes a nerve with me sometimes just how much these protesters and demonstrators can get so caught up in a jealous quest for the supposed "power" of the super class, that they forget the way to change society is to just change it. Becoming their vague and cryptic supposed enemy may be a disingenuous way of integrating psychotics into our culture. I understand that the cultural training for people to act psychotically is ramping up and it seems like the only way to fight fire is with fire, but if people have the integrity to rise up against oppression, I would hope they also have the grace of spirit to reform the American tradition of initiating new culture with angry bloodbaths. Instead, maybe we could have tried the immensely powerful tool of boycott — prevent CIA, NASA and tax office friends from going to work, and give them real roles in local society. Invent a new money system that puts our mistrust of each other in the "dustbin" as the Brits might say. Attempt community. Attempt teaching of the police force. They can teach psychosis, but we can teach compassion. They are both potentially learned behaviors to a great enough extent that it can sway the world from the brink of unrest and war to the path of peace. Just something that starts with good communication and sharing with each other instead of another weary tromp to the beat of a symbolism we haven't studied or put forth our great, incredible creativity towards. We are such creative beings. We do not need to borrow from a rich, hidden class of elites or use their terms to create our society. We reinvent language and stories every day. I am concerned these demonstrations so often look helplessly lost, to let our own invention die at the hands and in the virtual acts of a mechanistic automotion — the creativity of moneyed media — rather than tried hilariously but dashed nobly on the shores of each other's vast untapped worlds, and eventually (but I submit inevitably, given the chance) to manifest inspired ways of living harmoniously that future generations can take for granted and build upon.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by datspot »

The Name Game

Gunman: Man Haron Monis (described by media as a "madman")
His lawyer: Manny Conditsis

Dawson (a barrister - being served by barista's none-the-less and has a partner, Paul Smith who works for Mallesons, as you do)
Johnson the Cafe manager - though later in the story he becomes a duty manager.

You can read all the family ooze here: ... ed/5969702

More good footage here: ... ge/5969246

Youngest Hostage was.... Jarrod Hoffman

And here are some of the hostages: ... ce/5971188

(Strange, the images have changed in this news article since I posted this (though I did download them before hand).
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by kickstones »

Are they giving us a clue in the image below?

Sydney siege: Police negotiate with Martin Place gunman, hours after hostages taken in Lindt cafe

Police draw their guns outside the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Sydney's Martin Place. ... in-window/
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by gwynned »

I presume you are refering to the Decept/Fraud sign in the foreground? If so, I'm glad you mentioned it. I noticed it yesterday and thought it very strange myself!
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by hoi.polloi »

Now, that is more like the kind of "hidden message" I expect to see if someone were trying to expose the PsyOps from within. Something that anyone can see and understand. If only this were in more of them.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by simonshack »

gwynned wrote:I presume you are refering to the Decept/Fraud sign in the foreground? If so, I'm glad you mentioned it. I noticed it yesterday and thought it very strange myself!
Another "DECEPT-FRAUD" sign is also seen in the backdrop at right... :huh:
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by datspot »

Wife of MHM puts video up - though you won't find it on youtube (place by her anyway), it only appears on media outlets.

Here is the link: ... 4449665001

If anyone knows how to embed it here, please go ahead.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by datspot »

What's equally strange is that they (the deceptio-Fruad guys) appear to be standing right outside the door of the cafe during the seige. Bravery.
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by datspot »

Hostage Video inside cafe. I suppose they must have been using old phone technology, as young barristers are want to do, because the quality is poor. Oh dear. ... natic.html
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by pov603 »

I do wonder in this world of 'nods and winks' whether the likes of Auntie Beeb do actually play on words and images.
With the below image one is reminded of the 'Blue & White' stripes we often see from incidents around the world, which may be coincidence of course.
There is the other more subtle aspect of why show such a fundamental image of Police cordon tape upside down/back-to-front unless they are nodding/winking to the definition given in the website below? i.e. 'The Police are Behind It'? <_< ... -of/ecilop

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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by kickstones »

simonshack wrote:
gwynned wrote:I presume you are refering to the Decept/Fraud sign in the foreground? If so, I'm glad you mentioned it. I noticed it yesterday and thought it very strange myself!
Another "DECEPT-FRAUD" sign is also seen in the backdrop at right... :huh:

Unable to find any image that shows the last word clearly of the complete message on the sign.


Image ... on/5967232 ... ke-4812418
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Re: Minor Media Stories: Theater of the Absurd

Unread post by datspot »

pov603 wrote:I do wonder in this world of 'nods and winks' whether the likes of Auntie Beeb do actually play on words and images.
With the below image one is reminded of the 'Blue & White' stripes we often see from incidents around the world, which may be coincidence of course.
There is the other more subtle aspect of why show such a fundamental image of Police cordon tape upside down/back-to-front unless they are nodding/winking to the definition given in the website below? i.e. 'The Police are Behind It'? <_< ... -of/ecilop

As a follow up, today, Fri 19th Dec, 2014, 8 children are reported dead after a mass stabbing in Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Note the Police Tape

SES have shown up in droves.... not an ambulance in any image I have seen so far. ... 7161862831
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